Ask Gov. Ducey to extend Executive Order 2020-14 Postponement of Eviction Actions

Ask Gov. Ducey to extend Executive Order 2020-14 Postponement of Eviction Actions

Please contact Gov. Ducey and ask him, in the name of God's commandment to love his neighbor as himself, to:

  • Extend the moratorium on evictions due to COVID-19 beyond the current July 22 deadline;

  • Streamline and simplify the process for applying for COVID-19 rental relief;

  • Advocate for the increase of funds available for COVID-19 rental relief.

All people have a right to the most basic needs of human life: food, water, and shelter. It is within Gov. Ducey's power to ensure that the most economically vulnerable Arizonans do not end up as secondary victims to the COVID-19 pandemic due to eviction.

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Arizona Christian Denomination Leaders Ask State to Re-Examine Rental Relief and Eviction Process

June 26, 2020

Today, Bishop Reddall, on behalf of the Arizona leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), The United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ, the Grand Canyon and de Cristo Presbyteries, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, and the African American Christian Clergy Coalition sent the following letter to Carol Ditmore, Director of the Arizona Department of Housing

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Sacred Conversations to End Racism Fall Institute 2020

Sacred Conversations to End Racism Fall Institute 2020

The Sacred Conversations to End Racism Summer Institute 2020 has reached capacity. The goal of the institute is to provide a communal space where the hard work, deep and honest conversations can take place. The Summer Institute is the beginning of more to come through 2024 and beyond. There is no fee for participation in the Sacred Conversations to End Racism Institutes.

If you are interested please register for the SC2ER Fall Institute 2020 Sacred Conversations to End Racism Fall Institute 2020. You will be notified when the Fall Institute 2020 participant selections have been confirmed.

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Mind Body Spirit - July-August 2020

Mind Body Spirit - July-August 2020

Mind, Body, Spirit: Linking Lives for Health and Wholeness
The Wellness Ministries of the UCC Newsletter
(formerly The Faith Community Nurse Health Ministry Newsletter)

As this newsletter is being written, many states are experiencing recent increases in the incidence of Covid-19 cases and hospitals in some states are nearing capacity for available ICU beds.

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Our Faith Our Vote

Our Faith Our Vote

Our Faith Our Vote is the UCC’s campaign to encourage faithful action during the election season. Focused on civic engagement, voter registration information, issue education, and voter mobilization, OFOV offers resources for congregations to engage in faithful non-partisan registration. The DC Office has asked us to share their slides, which can be shared with congregations for use in their worship services as Mission Moments. Please share broadly.

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JPANet: Call for fair and safe elections!

JPANet: Call for fair and safe elections!

Congress has starved state and local communities of the resources they need to run free, fair and accessible elections. We have seen widespread polling place closures, long lines with hours-long waits, a backlog of absentee ballot requests and machine breakdowns in several state primaries. This is a wake-up call for the November elections. Congress must pass the HEROES Act now to provide state and local officials the critical resources to ensure we have safe, fair, and accessible elections in November.

Urge your senators to pass the HEROES Act now to make sure every voter in every community can be heard.

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The Cry of the Earth / The Cry of the Poor

The Cry of the Earth / The Cry of the Poor

Four panelists (a spiritual leader, an environmentalist, a scholar, and a student activist) will tell the story of how they each became eco-advocates and how 'Laudato si’ inspires and informs their life and work (the “story of me”).  Together they will discuss what difference Pope Francis’ encyclical makes for our lives and culture  (the “story of us”), and how listening to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor is relevant to us today as our cities and our planet burn (the “story of now”).

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