Give Thanks and Ensure All Are Fed

Give Thanks and Ensure All Are Fed

In the U.S., the number of people facing food insecurity has been compounded by COVID-19 and could rise in the coming months to more than 50 million, including 17 million children. Likewise, the number of people facing starvation globally could double by year’s end, reaching over 250 million, according to the UN World Food Programme. As 1 John 3:17 (NRSV) reminds us, “How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help?” As a nation of plenty we can and must do more to ensure that all are provided basic nutrition and dignity.

Call on Congress today to pass a robust COVID-19 relief package that includes nutrition assistance for families struggling with hunger in the U.S.

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The Pollinator: Celebrating Voter Turn Out Success!

The Pollinator: Celebrating Voter Turn Out Success!

As we continue this work, we can also step back to realize an important lesson this moment is teaching us: In this pandemic era that compels physical separation, actions taken by and through community matter as much as ever. We do more and achieve more when we act together. These are the seeds we need to continue to water. We now need faith-rooted online advocacy communities to play a meaningful role in facing the greatest legislative challenge of our time which is moving congress to take effective action in addressing the inseparable issues of climate and inequality.

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Interfaith Youth and Young Adult Virtual Conversation

Interfaith Youth and Young Adult Virtual Conversation

Sunday, November 22, 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Join the conversation! If you are a 14-22 year old Arizona youth or young adult interested in interfaith dialogue and social justice join us the Arizona Faith Network for an informal conversation. Together we will learn more about diverse faiths, our communities and one another! This meeting will be our second gathering to kick off AFN's Interfaith Youth and Young Adult Council. All youth and young adults active in their faith communities are welcome for this conversation.


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JPANet November 2020 Newsletter

JPANet November 2020 Newsletter

“Record turnout amidst a global pandemic, the engagement from voters across the country, and the continued hard work of certified election officials to count every vote speaks to the dedication of so many of you who committed yourselves to the Our Faith Our Vote Campaign! This months Getting to the Root is our message to all of you.” -JPAN

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Shepherd of the Hills UCC gift to Cruzando Fronteras

Dear Pastor Rock,

It is with a joyous heart that we have received your Church’s donation of $4253.14. This as well as many other donations will help our asylum-seeking brothers and sisters from around the world, as they patiently await their opportunity for a credible threat interview here in Nogales as well as at other Ports of Entry here along the Arizona border.

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As We Approach Election Day

As We Approach Election Day

"Anxieties are high as we move through the final days of this campaign season... While it’s easy to let our fears and anxiety, the injustices around us, and the relentless messages of hate capture our attention, our moods, and our emotions, let hope be the force that inspires our thoughts, guides our decisions, and sets our goals." –Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons

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Act NOW to Oppose the Nomination of Judge Barrett

Act NOW to Oppose the Nomination of Judge Barrett

When people of faith see injustice, we are compelled to speak out – and this means speaking out against the appointment of Judge Barrett. People are in the middle of voting for their lawmakers, and this decision, which will have generational repercussions, should be made after the inauguration. Much is at stake: a woman’s right to choose, access to healthcare for millions, LGBTQ civil rights, and voting rights. Join with us in asking your Senator to oppose Judge Barrett’s nomination; and to spend this time now to pass COVID relief.


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Letter from the UCC Our Faith Our Vote Team

Letter from the UCC Our Faith Our Vote Team

Dear Partners in Ministry,

This election is unlike any other (just like everything else in 2020). With so much on the line, and in the middle of a pandemic, it will look a little different. While we’re used to staying up on election night to find out who won, it’s likely that this year the counting will take a little longer. Uncertainty about the electoral process and what to expect from this election season can be intimidating. We want to share with you the information we are lifting up to our advocates to prepare for the next few weeks of this election season. Please use this information for your own preparation and lift up with your conferences if helpful.

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