Annual Meeting

Final versions of resolutions from 2020 Annual Meeting

Below are the final versions of the Resolutions that were voted on and approved during Annual Meeting. Click on a title to read it.

  1. A Resolution Calling on the United Church of Christ to Adopt the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024)

  2. A Southwest Conference Resolution of Christian Witness: Awakening to Racial Justice

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Sunday's conference-wide worship service: watch and download

Sunday's conference-wide worship service: watch and download

Much appreciation to all who helped to create and shape the beautiful and inspiring all-conference worship service during Annual Meeting! Thanks to all who attended and for your kind words in the Facebook comments and emails. Coming together for worship was wonderful!

If you missed it, or want to watch it again or download the video, we got you!

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Both resolutions at Annual Meeting passed

The Awakening to Racial Justice was renamed A Southwest Conference Resolution on Restorative Racial Justice: Decentering Whiteness In Our Churches and Society. It passed:

  • 93% yes

  • 6% no

  • 1% abstain

The International Decade for People of African Descent resolution passed:

  • 98% yes

  • 1% no

  • 1% abstain

As soon as the final drafts are available, we’ll send them out and post them on the website.

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Neighbors in Need (NIN) 2020

Neighbors in Need (NIN) 2020

This year, special consideration will be given to projects focusing on serving our immigrant neighbors and communities. The United Church of Christ’s history is rooted in supporting justice work and the Southwest Conference encourages all SWC churches to participate in this important cause. We invite your congregation to renew its commitment to Neighbors in Need on Sunday, October 4th. This date coincides with our Virtual Annual Meeting and an appeal will be made during the all-conference worship service that morning.

All of this year’s resource materials are downloadable here.

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Join us for the SW Conference’s regional StoryCafés

Join us for the SW Conference’s regional StoryCafés

Join us for the SW Conference’s regional StoryCafé. We’ve scheduled regional sessions (one in the morning and one at night for folks who can’t participate during the workday) on most upcoming Mondays and Thursdays (and on Good Friday during Holy Week). The morning sessions will take place at 9 am in the AZ time zone, or 10 am if you’re in either New Mexico or El Paso, TX. Evening sessions will be held at 7 pm Arizona time (8 pm in New Mexico/El Paso).

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