Conference News

General Minister and President Renomination Process

General Minister and President Renomination Process

The Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer will complete a four-year term as General Minister and President on August 1, 2019. In the fall of 2018, The United Church of Christ Board of Directors (“UCCB”), the body responsible for nominating the General Minister and President to the General Synod, will receive a report regarding the Renomination of Rev. Dorhauer from its Renomination Committee. The UCCB must then decide whether to recommend Rev. Dorhauer to the 32nd General Synod for “call by election” to a second term.

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Sex Offenders in Your Congregations: Recommendations and Best Practices

On Wednesday, May 23 at 11 a.m. AZ time / noon NM time / 2 pm Eastern, Heather Kimmel, UCC General Counsel, will be leading a webinar on Sex Offenders in Your Congregations:  Recommendations and Best Practices sponsored and hosted by the Insurance Board.

The webinar is directed to Local Church pastors and lay leaders.  It is open to anyone, including people/churches who are not participants in the Insurance Board program.  

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SWC Announces Endowment Fund Manager

SWC Announces Endowment Fund Manager

The Endowment Fund Management Committee and the SWC Executive Board are pleased to announce that the Southwest Conference (SWC) has entered an agreement with Bernstein Private Wealth Management (“Bernstein”), a unit of AllianceBernstein L.P (“AB”), to become our Endowment Fund investment manager," says Conference Minister Bill Lyons. "In this capacity, Bernstein will provide the SWC a range of philanthropic planning and investment services." Founded more than 50 years ago, Bernstein is a leading investment advisor to high-net-worth families and institutions, trusts, estates, foundations, endowments and pension plans. 

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Executive Board Recommends FY 2018-2019 Budget

Executive Board Recommends FY 2018-2019 Budget

The SWC Executive Board is recommending approval of a balanced budget for FY 2018-2019 which begins July 1.

Money follows mission. The proposed budget reflects a strong emphasis on strengthening local churches through revitalization efforts, money to support our new church start in Taos and for an additional new church start, and what Conference Minister Bill Lyons calls "futuring the church."

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A Prudential Resolution

A Prudential Resolution

Examining, Articulating, and Resourcing the Nature, Purpose, Composition, Covenantal Autonomy and Definition of ‘the basic unit of life and organization of the United Church of Christ’ for the Twenty-first Century

Southwest Conference United Church of Christ

A Prudential Resolution

Submitted by the Southwest Conference Board of Directors

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