Conference News

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Thank you

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Thank you

Dear Friends in Christ,

I have received many warm greetings from attendees throughout the state, who were deeply moved by the services held in your local communities, and it is all due to your commitment to living ecumenism.

We’ve posted photos from our Primary Celebration at, along with 2021 dates, a sign-up for our newsletter, and links to media reports on the WPCU, which I’ve also shared below.

The Catholic Sun


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you did to make the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2020 so meaningful to so many, and for all you do throughout the year to put the words of John 17:21 into action; That They May All Be One.

Yours in our Common Lord,

Rev. Rock Fremont, Chair

Arizona Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

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More on SOAR: Coming up on March 7

More on SOAR: Coming up on March 7

On Saturday, March 7, the Southwest Conference is having a conversation that will determine the future of our shared mission and ministry for the next 3-5 years. You are an important voice in that conversation as:

  • Your congregation’s Mission and Church Vitality Committee (MCVC) representative

  • A member of one of the SWC’s standing committees

  • A clergy person in the Southwest Conference

Our facilitator, Jackie Stavros, literally wrote the book on building strength-based strategies that inspire innovation and engagement. At the end of the day, you will receive all of the data from our time together. And you will take home a method to use at church, at work, at school, at home, and in your communities to help you stay focused on positive opportunities that get results. Oh, and your voice will be one of the voices that shape the ministry of the Southwest Conference and crafts our preferred shared future.

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Upcoming Inter-spiritual Retreat with Pastor Ken McIntosh

Upcoming Inter-spiritual Retreat with Pastor Ken McIntosh

Have you wished to take retreat on Holy Island Lindisfarne off the coast of Northern England and one of the ancient "Thin Places" of the UK? Have you ever wondered how wisdom teachings from the East might help you practice Christian faith? Have you enjoyed “Water from an Ancient Well” or Celtic Journey? If you think "yes" to any of the above, you might enjoy this retreat. The retreat is filling up quickly, so reserve your spot soon!

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Beginning to S.O.A.R. in 2020

Beginning to S.O.A.R.  in 2020

In 2020 the Executive Board will lead the Southwest Conference in a SOAR visioning process, a profoundly positive approach to strategic thinking, planning, and leading. SOAR stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results and is intended to be a positive approach to strategic conversations that allows an organization to construct its future through collaboration, shared understanding, and a commitment to action. The focus is on what is the system doing well, what does the system want more of, and how do we move forward from positive images to positive action and results. SOAR leverages the Appreciative Inquiry paradigm to shift and amplify the energy and dialogue of stakeholders to strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results. 

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NGLI: application season

NGLI: application season

You may have heard about the transformative leadership initiative of the Pension Boards called the Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI). NGLI equips, energizes, and empowers younger United Church of Christ local church pastors to build vibrant congregations that change lives and further God’s mission in the world.

NGLI is currently accepting applications for its 11th cohort and would appreciate your help in getting the word out. Notice to intent to apply is February 1—so please pass this information along quickly.

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National Youth Event (NYE) 2020: UNITE!

National Youth Event (NYE) 2020: UNITE!

We want to send a delegation of interested Senior High (completed 6th grade through graduated seniors) to the UCC National Youth Event at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, next July 22-25.  We will also need interested adults to also take part as chaperones.

Registration will open in February.  The Southwest Conference can offer to scholarship travel costs (we will plan our travel together as a group), leaving the registration fee (early bird) of $375 up to churches and participating families.  The registration fee covers the cost of program, room and on-campus meals for the days of the event.  There may be an additional cost for another night to accommodate the travel and incidental meals that participants will be responsible for.  We will get a more complete picture of that and let you know.

In the meantime, we will plan to register everyone together through the Conference Office.

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Annual Reporting for Churches

Annual Reporting for Churches

It's time once again for this important effort that enables the United Church of Christ to maintain accurate and current information on UCC churches and ministerial staff, as well as provide information that will assist Conferences, Associations and the national ministries of the denomination to identify and understand trends in membership, attendance and other factors that will impact programs and policies.

The deadline to submit forms is March 4. If your church hasn't had its congregational meeting to approve your 2020 budget, the 2020 Pledge Form should still be sent in with estimates.

Please visit the Annual Reporting page for all forms and instructions. Prizes will be awarded to 40 lucky churches that submit their data on time and complete the supplemental survey.

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Health & Human Service Sunday resources

Health & Human Service Sunday resources

For use on January 26, 2020 (or whatever Sunday works most appropriately for your congregation).

The Council for Health & Human Service Ministries, CHHSM, in partnership with the United Church of Christ, is pleased to provide worship resources to use for your congregation’s celebration of Health and Human Service Sunday.

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General Synod Resolution Process Survey

As we look toward the next General Synod, the UCCB is discerning what new ways of experiencing the ministry of General Synod may look like, and are interested in your thoughts on the General Synod resolution process, its place as a vital part of the ministry of the General Synod, and whether changes need to be made to the efficiency of the resolution process.

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Services for Rev. Dr. David Graham

The Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ is holding the family of the Rev. Dr. David Graham in our prayers. David died on December 1 at Banner Boswell Hospital Hospice Care. He spent Thanksgiving with his beloved wife, Pat, and their daughters by his side.

There will be a remembrance and time of thanksgiving for David’s life and ministry during United Church of Sun City’s Sunday morning worship on December 22. A committal service will be held in the church’s Memorial Garden at 11:30 a.m. after worship and refreshments.

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ONA churches healthier, attracting more new members

ONA churches healthier, attracting more new members

New research from the United Church of Christ* shows that on average ONA congregations have more members and healthier finances than non-ONA churches.

"One of the obstacles to congregations hesitating to begin their ONA journey is fear: the fear of losing members and income if the church votes to adopt an ONA covenant," says Andy Lang, the ONA Coalition's executive director. "But this latest research shows the opposite is happening: ONA congregations are attracting more members and reporting higher budgets than the UCC average."

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