Conference News

Expanding Life in Loss

Expanding Life in Loss

A virtual, confidential empowerment & support group for individuals experiencing grief, losses, and endings. Facilitated by Dr. Cari Jackson and Carson Hawks.

7 sessions meeting every other week: Feb 9 & 23, Mar 9 & 23, Apr 6 & 20, May 4. 90 minutes each session. 6pm MST

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Scholarships & Grants

Scholarships & Grants

The United Church of Christ has scholarships and grants available for a variety of purposes in three broad categories: Ministry Education Scholarships, Program Grants, and Leadership Development Scholarships. In addition to what is listed here, check with the Admissions Office at your educational institution to find out about additional scholarships that may be available.

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NEXT Steps: Midlife and Beyond

NEXT Steps: Midlife and Beyond

NEXT Steps introduces participants to theological, philosophical, and psychological concepts of vocation and aging. It is a gathering for adults contemplating or entering retirement, and for those who are recently retired. All program activities are designed to stimulate your individual self-discovery as you develop a personal plan for your new and meaningful chapter of life.

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Omicron update

Beloved SWC members,

Anxiety has been increasing over the Omicron variant of the COVID19 virus. The SWC office has been monitoring the information about this newest coronavirus mutation. I am writing to encourage your congregations to continue the sustainable response measures circulated through the SWC in October (shared here). No new guidance for in-person gatherings is being recommended at this time for our churches in light of the Omicron variant.

I am inviting our churches to launch vigorous campaigns encouraging everyone who is unvaccinated to be vaccinated, and for vaccinated people to obtain their booster shot if they have not already done so. The reasons for this invitation stems from the new information being released from scientists about the effects of the Omicron variant and the impact of vaccines on it.

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