Conference News

Responding to Media Inquiries: Best Practices for Local Churches

Does the person who answers the phone at your Local Church know what to do if the caller is a reporter from the local news network?  What if your office administrator or pastor receives an email from a reporter asking for information on a recent crisis in your church?  Perhaps your church and pastor have recently parted ways less than amicably, or some members of the community are unhappy with the church’s recent decision to sell its property or close its preschool.  United Church of Christ Local Churches have attracted media attention in many ways.  If a Local Church is unprepared for a media inquiry, the pastor and church leaders may experience panic, have their focus turned away from their ministry in a time of great need, or damage the reputation of the church or create legal liability for the church through their reactions.  But if a church has a media relations plan, it can take advantage of media inquiries to tell the story of the church’s ministry from the church’s perspective.

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FREE: 47 New Century Hymnals

FREE: 47 New Century Hymnals

John and Janet Leung, members of the former First Congregational Church - Flagstaff, have 47 New Century Hymnals to give away along with an accompanist edition. They are moving in the near future, and really want to find a home for them. They will be able, depending on where the destination is, to either deliver or ship them to anyone interested. It's preferred that they all go to the same destination if possible.

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Watch: Synod 34 video highlights historic moments

Watch: Synod 34 video highlights historic moments

The United Church of Christ’s 34th General Synod, held June 30-July 4 in Indianapolis, included historic moments, joyous reunions, communal prayer and faithful witness.

Many of these have been captured in a newly released highlights video, showcasing the impact and significance of this year’s gathering. Watch the 17-minute condensed version or the extended version.

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Neighbors in Need Special Mission Offering

Neighbors in Need Special Mission Offering

Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion in the United States.

In 2023, the Neighbors in Need “BEHOLD!” theme continues. This year’s focus is on environmental justice. Plastics, electronics, and other non-compostable wastes are being shipped across, and even tossed into, our waterways, launched into space, as well as buried in landfills. As people of faith, we believe these egregious acts are sinful and unholy. We must be better stewards of our planet!  

Join us by promoting this year’s NIN “Behold!” campaign at your church. As you may recall, one-third of the offering supports Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds are used by Justice and Witness Ministries to provide grants to UCC churches and organizations as well as supporting a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects.

While many of our churches collect the offering on October 1, 2023, as part of World Communion Sunday, contributions to this offering can be collected on any Sunday during the calendar year. We thank you for your support and generosity.

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