Faith In Action

Transformational Mission Opportunity

Transformational Mission Opportunity

Information and interest gathering is beginning for a mission work trip to the Virgin Islands to assist in debris removal and cleaning from the effects of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.  Southwest Conference Disaster Coordinator Phil Shea and a small interest group of about seven others from Scottsdale Congregational and Black Mountain UCC are meeting this week to share date possibilities and details in the hopes of forming a team from the Southwest Conference to respond. 

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Haz Llover

Haz Llover

by Pastor Delle

I walked on to campus and saw that our dining room, children’s art space, volunteer reception, and guest registration were relocated to shaded space outside on this beautiful Tucson day. Children who had weathered the perilous journey and arrived at our church so exhausted were running around and laughing. Our guests play soccer and help with chores and relax as they sit outdoors, the first moments of true sanctuary/shelter sinking in. While no men came to this morning’s worship, our female guests came with their children.

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The Risk Takers Among Us

The Risk Takers Among Us

PHOENIX, AZ – First Church United Church of Christ (UCC) is celebrating our common humanity and the resiliency and power of those most oppressed among us.

First Church UCC was forever changed by the presence of 115 immigrants from Central America, mostly from Guatemala, where hunger, drought, and unemployment compelled them to leave their homes to find a way of providing for their families.

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UCC Churches, Conference in Phoenix offer hospitality to migrant families released by ICE

UCC Churches, Conference in Phoenix offer hospitality to migrant families released by ICE

Abeth Spencer said that Shadow Rock doesn’t often publicize this work for obvious reasons, but once word leaked out to the media on Monday, the church started receiving a number of offers of assistance. “We want to respect the safety and privacy of our guests. But we have taken a lot of calls. A lot of people in the community want to know how they can help out. People who have seen us and are coming forward to assist. It’s been really been awesome.”

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Manufactured Chaos and Cruelty as US Immigration Policy

Manufactured Chaos and Cruelty as US Immigration Policy

It is hard to pinpoint exactly when the US immigration system became callous, cruel, and irretrievably broken. Each administration over the past 20 or more years has foolishly built upon the misguided policies and principles of the other and hastily surpassed the previous administration in its brutality and nastiness. If a group of policy wonks and administrators were put in a room with the objective of creating the most heinous Immigration system for the United States, they could not have created the pure evil that we are experiencing today.  

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Faith Community Substance Abuse Roundtable

Faith Community Substance Abuse Roundtable

The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family is hosting a faith community roundtable on substance abuse designed to engage faith traditions across Arizona. Participants will learn the latest drug trends, how to connect with community resources, and how to participate in a facilitated discussion on substance abuse.

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Educate Yourself on a Candidate or Issue

Educate Yourself on a Candidate or Issue

It’s important to learn how to educate yourself on a candidate or issue. Additionally, as people of faith we have an additional responsibility to faithfully and prayerfully discern what issues and candidates we ultimately support. Scripture tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, “but test them all; hold on to what is good.” In other words, don’t take what you’re hearing at face value and learn to be a discerning citizen and voter. Here are a few simple tips to learn more about candidates and their issues.

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