Faith In Action

Interfaith Celebration of Human Rights

Interfaith Celebration of Human Rights

Let's stand up for equality, justice and human dignity
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation and Sun Lakes United Church of Christ
Sunday, January 20th, 11:15 am at Sun Lakes Chapel, 9240 E. Sun Lakes Blvd N

On Sunday, January 20th, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation and Sun Lakes United Church of Christ will join together in an Interfaith service dedicated to the redemption of the human spirit and the fulfillment of the freedoms we enjoy. This year celebrates the 70th anniversary of the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations.

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Give Thanks and Ensure All are Fed

Last month, a bipartisan piece of legislation was signed into law reauthorizing the Global Food Security Act for the next five years. This legislation funds the “Feed the Future Initiative,” a program that has helped U.S. foreign assistance become more effective by strategically investing in sustainable agriculture, food security, nutrition, and other programs that address the root causes of global hunger and poverty.

Passage of this legislation points to what can be done when concern for the common good overcomes partisan divides. While we should take the opportunity to thank members of Congress for passing the Global Food Security Act, we also must call on Congress at the same time to overcome partisan gridlock and pass the Farm Bill before the end of the year. The Farm Bill is the central piece of legislation that sets U.S. policy on agriculture, nutrition, and food policy which directly impacts the poorest among us.

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Relationship with NAMI

Relationship with NAMI

From Rev. Robert Koth:

I followed up with one of Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund's suggestions for action steps to create ministries among people with mental illness. She recommended that we form partnerships with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

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Support Our Immigrant Neighbors

The Department of Homeland Security recently issued a proposed rule changing the definition of what it means to be a “public charge.” These new rules could potentially impact the life and well-being of millions of immigrant families. Currently immigrants must meet several requirements before obtaining permanent residency and citizenship.

An assessment of whether an immigrant is a “public charge” evaluates whether that person will rely on public assistance. The new rules greatly expand the definition of what qualifies as a public charge; and if finalized, will penalize tax-paying immigrants’ families and create an immigration system that prioritizes the wealthy few over families working to secure a future in the United States.

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Make your voice heard at the UN Climate Conference next month

Make your voice heard at the UN Climate Conference next month

In December 2018, government delegates from around the world will meet in Katowice, Poland to decide how to implement the Paris Agreement. The faith community will be there again to support action on climate. Interfaith Power & Light is joining the People’s Demands for Climate Justice -- a joint global call to government delegates demanding that this year’s climate talks actually lead to meaningful, just climate solutions. 

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Thank you! Let’s Keep Up the Great Work!

Thank you! Let’s Keep Up the Great Work!

From JPAN - Justice and Peace Action Network:

Thank you for all of your faithful work on the UCC Our Faith Our Vote campaign – helping to empower congregations and communities to participate in the 2018 midterm elections. The voting turn out for this election was higher than it has been in decades for a midterm election. It is estimated that 114 million Americans showed up at the polls to make their voice heard. All over the county, you participated in voter registration drives, candidate and issue forums, and voter mobilization efforts. You learned about voter protection efforts and volunteered to make sure everyone could cast their ballot. 

You made a difference!

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God’s Good News will not be stopped

God’s Good News will not be stopped

by Rev. Dr. Delle McCormick, in her November 7 update from the migrant shelter:

Dear Friends,
Today, the elections are over and the struggle for justice and joy goes on.  Our shelter is operating at capacity and every day we have more new volunteers and organizations that want to partner with us. Every day, many times a day, we witness the transformation of our volunteers, guests, the broad community in Southern Arizona, and beyond. I have so many stories to tell and space only allows me to share a few.

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