Faith In Action

Justice Update from Katie Adams DC office

On many of these issues you’ll see that the House has passed legislation that is now languishing in the Senate. Just a brief editorial note, the Senate has effectively been rendered useless by a majority who controls the Senate calendar, but is uninterested in the messy work of compromise and governing. The House of Representatives has always moved more swiftly and then been countered by a more deliberative Senate, but this Senate isn’t deliberative it is catatonic. This makes things really hard but that doesn’t mean we give up, it means we keep bringing up the issues and making it really uncomfortable for people who want to get reelected to move on and forget the issues we care about.

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JPANet: Demilitarize the Police, End 1033

JPANet: Demilitarize the Police, End 1033

Urge your senators today to support this amendment (S.Amdt.2252) in the National Defense Authorization Act. Weapons of war in the hands of our police have not made us safer; they have led to more police violence and fear in our communities. We know that far more needs to happen to end the violence inflicted by the police on our Black siblings – and taking steps to demilitarize the police is one step in the right direction.

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Working for Racial Justice in Solidarity with the Black Community—upcoming workshop

Working for Racial Justice in Solidarity with the Black Community—upcoming workshop

Save the dates: 10:00 to 11:30 am AND 1:00 to 3:00 pm on Saturdays, August 1, 8, 15, and 22.

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

  • Now that you’ve been awakened to the violence against African Americans, what do you do?

  • Why is there such misunderstanding and mistrust between black & white folks in this country?

  • Didn’t the election of President Obama prove that racism is no longer a significant problem?

  • Is racism really the issue? Isn’t it more of an economic issue?

  • What can I as an individual do to promote racial justice?

  • What if I say and do the wrong thing?

  • Do I have white privilege?

Working in Solidarity with the African American Community answers these questions and more.

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Ask Gov. Ducey to extend Executive Order 2020-14 Postponement of Eviction Actions

Ask Gov. Ducey to extend Executive Order 2020-14 Postponement of Eviction Actions

Please contact Gov. Ducey and ask him, in the name of God's commandment to love his neighbor as himself, to:

  • Extend the moratorium on evictions due to COVID-19 beyond the current July 22 deadline;

  • Streamline and simplify the process for applying for COVID-19 rental relief;

  • Advocate for the increase of funds available for COVID-19 rental relief.

All people have a right to the most basic needs of human life: food, water, and shelter. It is within Gov. Ducey's power to ensure that the most economically vulnerable Arizonans do not end up as secondary victims to the COVID-19 pandemic due to eviction.

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Arizona Christian Denomination Leaders Ask State to Re-Examine Rental Relief and Eviction Process

June 26, 2020

Today, Bishop Reddall, on behalf of the Arizona leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), The United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ, the Grand Canyon and de Cristo Presbyteries, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, and the African American Christian Clergy Coalition sent the following letter to Carol Ditmore, Director of the Arizona Department of Housing

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Sacred Conversations to End Racism Fall Institute 2020

Sacred Conversations to End Racism Fall Institute 2020

The Sacred Conversations to End Racism Summer Institute 2020 has reached capacity. The goal of the institute is to provide a communal space where the hard work, deep and honest conversations can take place. The Summer Institute is the beginning of more to come through 2024 and beyond. There is no fee for participation in the Sacred Conversations to End Racism Institutes.

If you are interested please register for the SC2ER Fall Institute 2020 Sacred Conversations to End Racism Fall Institute 2020. You will be notified when the Fall Institute 2020 participant selections have been confirmed.

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Mind Body Spirit - July-August 2020

Mind Body Spirit - July-August 2020

Mind, Body, Spirit: Linking Lives for Health and Wholeness
The Wellness Ministries of the UCC Newsletter
(formerly The Faith Community Nurse Health Ministry Newsletter)

As this newsletter is being written, many states are experiencing recent increases in the incidence of Covid-19 cases and hospitals in some states are nearing capacity for available ICU beds.

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