Faith In Action

JPANet: Protect Reproductive Health Care Access

JPANet: Protect Reproductive Health Care Access

The Women’s Health Protection Act, soon to be introduced in the House of Representatives, is a critically needed bill that will enact protections on the federal level to safeguard access to high-quality care and to secure constitutional rights by protecting patients and providers from political or religious interference. It would bar state and federal legislation that imposes medically unnecessary regulations on access to abortion services including medication, mandatory waiting periods, or out and out abortion bans.

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#WelcomeWithDignity: Take Action to Restore Asylum Protections and Welcome Asylum Seekers & Unaccompanied Children

Today, Church World Service is joining dozens of organizations and advocates in a renewed commitment to build a reimagined asylum system in the U.S. as part of the new Welcome with Dignity Campaign. We invite you to take action with us to transform the way the United States receives and protects people forced to flee from their homes and seek safety. Now is the time for visionary action to restore and strengthen asylum protections and policies that welcome asylum seekers and unaccompanied children.

For more information about the campaign and for more resources, visit this toolkit and this web page.

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Cease Violence in Israel and Gaza

Cease Violence in Israel and Gaza

The fighting between Israel and Hamas must end immediately. Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine is supported by US diplomacy and $3.8 billion in annual funding to Israel. The US must stop being complicit in these human rights violations and condition funding on Israel’s compliance with US and international law.

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White Privilege: Let's Talk – six-session course

White Privilege: Let's Talk – six-session course

National Council of Churches and Grace & Race invite you to participate in White Privilege: Let’s Talk dialogue sessions. This 6-session course is designed as a sacred conversation on race. It is intentional in its focus on the history, impact and manifestations of White Privilege. We enter with the spirit of faith, hope, praying that the conversations will help us to see one another and stay on the journey toward racial equity.

The deadline for registration is May 24, 2021

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Protect Voting Rights

Protect Voting Rights

The For The People Act, a comprehensive election reform bill, and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would restore the provisions gutted by the Supreme Court in its 2013 decision are two critical ways we can defend our democratic process and the right of every American to have their voice heard and counted in the electoral process.

As civil rights giant John Lewis himself declared, 'too many people have struggled, suffered and died to the right to vote.' A strong, vibrant democracy must move forward, not backward. Contact your Senators and urge them to defend our democracy by supporting the For The People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

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UCC Webinar—The Work of Justice: Job Creation and Climate Action

UCC Webinar—The Work of Justice: Job Creation and Climate Action

To emerge from the pandemic, an economic recovery that prioritizes jobs and justice is desperately needed. Now is a time to cast a vision for a holistic recovery that is guided by a commitment to employment, affordable housing, racial justice, public health, and a transition to a decarbonized economy. This webinar will focus on what a just recovery would look like and what faith communities can do to call for legislation that embodies our values.

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JPANet: May Newsletter

JPANet: May Newsletter

In this month's Getting to the Root, UCC Economic Justice Minister, Rev. Sekinah Hamlin, offers a different approach to showing our gratitude and appreciation for our mothers and caretakers, one that centers on policy and justice.

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