Faith In Action

Othering and Belonging: A New Task Force

There is a new task force at Church of the Palms: Othering and Belonging (O&B). It has formed out of the continued investment in education events around the social justice issues of anti-racism, oppression, marginalized people, criminal justice, etc.

O&B will be exploring further education opportunities, additional social justice ministries opportunities and collaboration with other social justice like organizations/ institutions for those we sadly call “the other” in our society.

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JPANet: Defend Reproductive Healthcare Access

JPANet: Defend Reproductive Healthcare Access

The Women’s Health Protection Act is a critically needed bill that will enact protections on the federal level to safeguard access to high-quality care and to secure constitutional rights by protecting patients and providers from political or religious interference. It would bar state and federal legislation that imposes medically unnecessary regulations on access to abortion services including medication, mandatory waiting periods, or out and out abortion bans.

As a justice-seeking people, we must remain committed to preserving and protecting access to the full range of reproductive health care for all – including safe, legal abortion – is an imperative rooted in our deeply-held faith beliefs in social justice, moral agency, and religious liberty for all. Please contact your member of Congress to support passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act.

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Another update on HB 132

An update on HB 132, the Faith Letter you all added your names to, and where we are headed at this point, from Kurt A. Rager. Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM:

“Through our online signup option, and over two Sundays, just over 400 people have added their names as well. I'm continuing to send out the message that additional names will be accepted through the weekend, likely ending on Monday. Those 400 names come from 31 congregations across NM, of which only 13 were ELCA congregations. This is truly an ecumenical effort.”

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Update on New Mexico HB 132

We are working with our Lutheran Advocacy Ministry partners in New Mexico to pass NM HB-132. The SWC has signed the faith leaders advocacy letter and will continue to support the bill as it comes to the floor for debate. HB 132 is one of our top priority bills as it would greatly reduce predatory lending in New Mexico.

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ARIZONA ACTION ALERT: HB2507: Religious Services; Essential Services Bill is Back

The Religious Services as Essential Services bill that we saw last year is back in a new form this year. The SWC has opposed this bill previously and has registered our opposition this time around too.

I am inviting you to consider opposing the bill based on the talking points included with this message. The bill legalizes discrimination of every kind and exempts religious organizations and leaders from almost all laws if they claim religious freedom.

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