Conference News

Guidance for Resuming In-Person Gatherings In Southwest Conference Churches

Guidance for Resuming In-Person Gatherings In Southwest Conference Churches

Decisions about resuming in-person gatherings in your church rest in your hands, not in the hands of government officials or of the Southwest Conference staff. This resource has been designed to be a starting point for meaningful conversation among your local church leaders as you develop your own protocol or policy for resuming in-person gatherings (worship, classes, working in the office). It reflects our deep and abiding love for one another and for our neighbors and highlights our common desire to nurture the health and welfare of the people in our congregations and our communities.

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Rev. Dr. Dosia Carlson has died

Rev. Dr. Dosia Carlson has died

We hold Bob Carlson and his wife Millie in our prayers; Dosia died on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. Even two nights ago from ICU, Dosia continued to text family and friends to remind them of God's love and to encourage them to continue living in ways that show God's light and love. How like Dosia. She was a significance presence in the Church, in the life of the Southwest Conference, and for countless people whose lives were touched by her ministry.

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Registration is open for the webinar: Your Church Website and the New Visitor Experience

Registration is open for the webinar: Your Church Website and the New Visitor Experience

January 19, 2021, 12–1pm MST, presented by Maryle Malloy

Great church websites have one thing in common: they focus on the new visitor experience. We'll cover the key points every church website needs to engage new visitors and inspire them to learn more.

Resources: We'll send you away with several resources such as the eBook "Organizing Graphic Assets," which contains over 20 links to free graphic resources.

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Crowdsourcing a Southwest Conference Advent/Christmas song playlist

Crowdsourcing a Southwest Conference Advent/Christmas song playlist

Wende Gonzales is curating a Spotify playlist of the Southwest Conference’s cherished Advent and Christmas songs by your favorite artists. Old and new, sacred and secular, joyful and melancholy.

To join this project, just email Wende with the song title, artist, and album (if known). Add a note (optional) telling us what you love about the song(s). If you’d rather not have your name attached to your thoughts about the song, please add the word “anonymous” to your note.

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New episodes: UCC@ASU Podcast

New episodes: UCC@ASU Podcast

UCC@ASU student Hailey Lyons is producing an incredible podcast that we are delighted to share with students at ASU and the Desert Palm church family as well as all the UCC congregations in the SWC. Nearly all our UCC@ASU students are participating in interviews with Andrew in our past and upcoming episodes. We are delighted to offer this as a way to share about our ministry but also to have an intergenerational connection.

Click on the link to listen:
S1E5 - Coming Out and Faith (
S1E6 - What We're Offering (

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