Annual Reporting for Churches
It's time once again for this important effort that enables the United Church of Christ to maintain accurate and current information on UCC churches and ministerial staff, as well as provide information that will assist Conferences, Associations and the national ministries of the denomination to identify and understand trends in membership, attendance and other factors that will impact programs and policies.
Step 1: Submit Projected Giving and Church Officers forms no later than February 7, 2025.
If your church hasn't had its congregational meeting to approve your 2025 budget, the 2025 Pledge Form should still be sent in with estimates. The Conference can't complete its 2025 budget until we have pledges from all the churches, so it's vital that we at least have estimates from you to work with.
We need EVERY CHURCH to fill out and return these manual forms no later than February 7, 2025 to Wende at (click below to access and print).
Church Officers (please scan completed officers forms in landscape/horizontal orientation, NOT portrait/vertical)
If the final numbers change, please send your revisions to Wende at
Step 2: Submit annual reporting forms no later than March 21, 2025.
There are two options for reporting your data: enter it ONLINE directly into Data Hub, OR fill out and submit MANUAL FORMS.
Data Hub will be open to churches from January 22, 2025, at 10 am MST through March 21st, 2025.
(If your church prefers not to use Data Hub, please skip this part and scroll down to the manual form instructions.)
Data Hub has been completely redeveloped and will look different this year. But don’t worry! Everything you need to know is in the Church Yearbook instructions.
Password note: Please note that if you currently have an account in the Engage system with a Conference/Association, Ministerial, or Reference role, you will continue to use that login information in the new system, but your functionality will grow to include Data Hub access. Otherwise, you will be prompted to create a new account when you access the new system for the first time.
Data Hub access and instructions are included in this document, including password information for the new platform. You’ll need your five or six digit conference church ID number; if you don't know it, please contact Wende.
Important requirement: You MUST print a 2024 Church Report from Datahub (BEFORE logging out) and email a copy to Wende by March 21. The conference doesn’t have access to print this report, and we won't know if your church has finished its reporting unless we receive your Church Report.
NOTE: Average Worship Attendance reported should only be for in-person worship. There is a place to report about virtual worship in the Supplemental Survey.
The Data Hub will be available until March 21 at midnight EST. Please submit your data as early as possible to avoid potential delays if you should need assistance. Churches that complete their annual report AND answer the supplemental research questions will be entered in a drawing for one of several gifts.
Click here to access and print the form. Got questions about the data? Pages 1 - 8 of the Church Yearbook instructions do have some helpful tips to clarify the data that’s being collected.
Once it’s completed, please scan it and email it to Wende at or send it by U.S. Mail to Southwest Conference United Church of Christ, PO Box 44968, Phoenix AZ 85064-4968. If you mail copies to the conference office, please notify Wende that you're doing so, allow for postal service delays, and be sure to make and keep a set of copies for your records.
We need the completed manual forms returned no later than March 21 to allow us time to input the data.
If you require information regarding the previous years reporting, please contact Wende.