2025 Annual Meeting
DELEGATES: Churches with 500 members or fewer may have FIVE delegates. Ministers with standing in the SWC, members of the SWC Executive Board, and General Synod Delegates are Delegates in their own right and do not count toward the five church delegates.
STANDING RULES: Click here to read and/or download.
RESOLUTIONS: Procedures for communicating resolutions from churches, individual delegates, or other interested parties which are to be considered by the Annual Meeting are as follows:
Resolutions must be submitted to the Conference Minister and the Executive Board, in writing or via email, no later than ONE week before the meeting of the Board preceding the Annual Meeting for approval for submission at the Annual Meeting.
The Notice of the Annual Meeting will contain the date that resolutions must be received by the Executive Board.
The Executive Board has the authority to change, withhold, or combine resolutions with the permission of the submitter.
STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS are due no later than March 31, 2025.
We’re beyond grateful to our Annual Meeting co-chairs, Rev. Sue Joiner and Rev. Dr. Myra Taylor for their organization skills, attention to details, and communication gifts as we put together this year’s event. We appreciate you two SO MUCH!
A huge shout out to Member In Discernment, Christopher Schouten, who will be taking on a tech role onsite again this year, along with Rev. Dr. Sarah TevisTownes who has offered her vast expertise with providing a virtual experience to delegates who cannot attend in person. We literally couldn’t do this without you!
OFFERING: This year’s offering during the worship services will be shared between The Open Table Connection (Saturday) and the SWC Member in Discernment Assistance Fund (Friday).
The Open Table Connection is a community of LGBTQIA+ affirming Christian churches committed to listening to, learning from, and supporting the spiritual journeys of young adults in our UNM and CNM communities.
The Open Table Connection is a Christian campus ministry partnership between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ, and the Episcopal Church at UNM and CNM. We collaborate with multiple local churches to provide progressive theology at UNM and CNM. Luther House UNM & CNM is a founding member of The Open Table Connection.
The Open Table Connection provides a free weekly meal as well as text study, prayer, spiritual activities, public theology, intentional community, and action for justice and peace.
Mission Statement: We are a Christian community of faith attempting to live out God’s love, justice, and mercy for all of creation.
A Member in Discernment of the Southwest Conference is a member of the United Church of Christ who has been called by God and who, under the care of the Conference (acting as an Association), is preparing for authorized ministry in the United Church of Christ. The purpose of the in care relationship is to provide support, counsel and assistance to the person discerning his or her call to ministry.
One way the conference supports these persons is through the SWC Member in Discernment Assistance Fund. It can provide financial assistance for various costs involved in the discernment process such as, but not limited to, seminary scholarships and fees for other classes and events. This scholarship is funded by offerings taken at ordinations and installations. Donations from churches and individuals are welcomed.
May 1 - 3, 2025
First Congregational UCC Albuquerque
and Marriott Albuquerque
We are thrilled to invite you to our 3-day transformative gathering centered on the theme of “Starting Where We Are: Creating Community in Chaotic Times." This year’s annual meeting aims to equip clergy and church leaders with the tools, inspiration, and faith-based strategies to address today's pressing chaotic times. Together, we’ll explore how the church can lead in advocating for equity, compassion, and lasting change. Our 2025 event will feature a game night, an awards banquet (pack your Sunday Best), an installation service, and so much more!
We are excited to announce that our keynote speaker will be Rev. Traci Blackmon! You do not want to miss out!
Registration is now open!
$300 March 1 through March 31
$325 April 1 through April 7
In-person registration includes these five meals:
hors d'oeuvres on Thursday evening during Game Night
Friday breakfast and banquet dinner
Saturday breakfast and box lunch
Travel reimbursement is available for $225 for airfare or driving.
Virtual attendance is an option on the registration page; it includes live streams of the business session on Saturday morning and opening and closing worship.
Vendors are welcome to purchase a table to offer their wares or services for purchase. Please register separately for a vendor table ($65) HERE. Meals are NOT included.
Exhibitors who are NOT selling items may have a table but MUST register for the Annual Meeting. Please register first and then notify Wende Gonzales that you would like to have an exhibit.
The beautiful Marriott Albuquerque has a block of rooms for us at $169 per night, so book yours now.
If the link says the rooms are sold out, please call the hotel 505-881-6800 and give code UCCUCCA
This rate expires on April 9!
Friday's opening worship at our Annual Meeting will include the installation of our Associate Conference Ministers, Rev. Dr. Gloria Smith and Rev. Dr. Derrick Elliott!
ALL ARE WELCOME—if you're in Albuquerque you are welcome to attend the worship service whether you're attending the Annual Meeting or not. We do plan to live stream the service and we'll provide the links closer to the event.
Rev. Traci Blackmon will preach at First Congregational, Albuquerque on Sunday, May 4th! All are invited to worship at 10:30 am. 2801 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Printed materials will NOT be available at the event! All of your need-to-know reports will appear below as they become available. You'll be able to click on them to download, print, whatever works for you to prepare for Annual Gathering. Please review them thoroughly BEFORE the event and bring them with you in either paper or digital format.
We have such exciting workshops planned for Friday afternoon! Watch this space for details coming soon.