Conference News

Visioning and Discernment Guide Plans for Using SWC Resources

Visioning and Discernment Guide Plans for Using SWC Resources

“We are extravagantly welcoming and affirming follower of Jesus called to embody God’s unconditional justice and love in the world.” For more than ten months the Southwest Conference (SWC) Executive Board and our standing committees have been discerning how best to use SWC resources to live more fully into our mission. This discernment work came in response to the conference-wide SOAR visioning summit held just before the COVID19 unleashed its devastation in the U.S. While we have been responding to the pandemic, we’ve also been anticipating its impact, asking God’s Spirit to show us the way forward in a world and a Church we know will be radically different than anything we’ve experienced.

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Join the Movement Toward Racial Justice

Join the Movement Toward Racial Justice

Can you imagine a church free of racism and a world where all people live without fear of violence or systems that harm God’s human creation?

The United Church of Christ invites you to Join the Movement toward racial justice as we answer God’s call to be an anti-racist church. Here, we will share stories and grow together, learning from one another to build a just world for all.

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Conference offices are moving!

The Southwest Conference has signed a lease on a new space and is listing "The 917" building for sale.

We'll be moving to new offices at the United Methodist Center at 1550 E. Meadowbrook Avenue. The UMC and SWC share mutual excitement and look forward to working together and extending our ecumenical ministry and relationship.

Our mailing address will be switching to a PO Box soon.

Stay tuned for updates.

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Upcoming Healthy Ministry Module Trainings

Upcoming Healthy Ministry Module Trainings

Registration is now open!

MODULE 1: Intro and Theology of Boundaries, Power & Vulnerability: Wednesday, September 8, 1-4 pm AZ / 2-5 pm NM & El Paso

MODULE 2: Interpersonal Relationships: Thursday, October 7, 1-4 pm AZ / 2-5pm NM-El Paso

MODULE 3: Work, Time, Resources: Tuesday, November 16, 1-4 pm

MODULE 4: Technology and Social Media: Wednesday, December 8, 1-4 pm

Learn more about each module and register HERE.

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Someone is trying to impersonate Bill. If you have received an email such as this, please report it as phishing and/or block the sender. The scammers continue to improve the ways they reach out, so please notice the strange language and incorrect email address. These small hints help to do a quick preview of untrustworthy senders.

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