The United Church of Christ strongly condemns the violence directed against former President Donald Trump.
Political violence has never been a solution to differing political beliefs and ideologies. As more details emerge regarding the shooting at the political rally for President Trump, we are horrified at the events which unfolded before us. With the former president injured and two dead including the gunman, we mourn this moment where violence is on display in the public square within our political arena.
Today, I join with other voices calling for peace in our political process. This violence is a threat to the democracy we value in this country.
As people of faith, we have the opportunity to be a part of civil discourse as we move through this time leading to another presidential election.
A commitment to peace must be a priority in the days to come. More information will emerge and regardless of that information, peace is possible. We can commit to ensuring peace and civility among us.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27
God, in your mercy, hear our prayer. O God, we are shocked and appalled at the attempted shooting of former President Trump. We pray for his recovery and pray for the families of those who died as a result of this act of violence.
May those who lost loved ones know the comfort of your embrace. Send your healing spirit upon those whose lives are affected by violence globally.
Let there be peace among your people, O God, a deep and abiding peace which brings an end to the glorification of violence and ushers in a just world as you intend for all. Amen.
Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson
General Minister & President
United Church of Christ
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