A Message From John Dorhauer:

Cards may be sent to:
Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer
c/o United Church of Christ
700 Prospect Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Following is John's Message.

Dear Friends in Christ,

After taking a call from my brother on the ride home from work on Tuesday, and being told that my father – who had a week earlier gone into hospice – was not doing well and that I should think about getting here as soon as I can; I left Wednesday morning to be with him.

It took two days for all of his seven children to assemble, but one hour after his seventh child arrived, surrounded by his wife, children, and grandchildren, my Dad breathed his last. It was a beautiful death, with tears and laughter filling the room and lifting our hearts.

I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They sustained us all in these hours. I also want to thank you for the permission to be here and share this amazing experience with my family. I want to especially thank the Collegium for their support; and Cheryl Williams – whose able leadership in my absence allows me to be here without fear of some very important things being left undone.

I will spend a few more days preparing funeral arrangements and burying my father. I anticipate being able to return to the office and my responsibilities sometime later next week.
I am going to remain off line until then. Cheryl will coordinate all of my continuing responsibilities.
I rejoice in the grace of God, and marvel that at my father’s passing my grief is met with such profound joy. May it ever be so.

In the abiding love of our tender Creator,

John C. Dorhauer
General Minister and President