Ktizo United Church of Christ receives grant for Sober Living House

The Make A Difference: Genesis Fund Committee has awarded a $12,000 grant to Ktizo United Church of Christ for a coordinator position at Sober Living House for women. 
“Congratulations! The Make A Difference: Genesis Fund Committee has awarded a grant in the full amount of your request, $12,000. 
These funds are to be utilized as seed money for your specific faith-based project that is innovative or experimental, represents a new initiative in Christian mission, or that may be deemed controversial. 
We wish you success with your project and thank you for furthering the work of the United Church of Christ.”

The coordinator(s) will be responsible for setting up the next SLH(s) from lease to beds, to In House manager, to community relations, to troubleshooting. 
The current Sober Living House near capacity. The women who live in the SLH are so grateful for the safe place where they can rebuild their lives. They have jobs, friends and family, go to meetings, and support one another in their recovery. 
Ktizo will receive their check in June and will provide a full report at the end of one year. Ktizo is proud of this important and much needed ministry.