"What are Your Spiritual Convictions?" A Manifesto for Progressive Christians

Tuesdays: January 16 - February 6, 2018
7:00 - 9:00 pm
First Church UCC: Pilgrim Hall
1407 N. 2nd St. Phoenix, AZ 85004

Review sections of Borg’s book, “Convictions: How I Learned What Matters Most”, along with sacred and written texts to focus our deepest convictions of Jesus, God, and World View. 

Key topics of discussion will include:

• Faith is a Journey
• God is Real and is a Mystery
• Salvation is More About This Life than an Afterlife
• The Bible is Political
• God is Passionate About Justice and the Poor
• To Love God is to Love Like God

Please join us for this thought-provoking series to be held in Pilgrim Hall of First Church UCC.
