Church Jottings

Church of the Beatitudes is Serving Labor Day Lunch at Justa Center. They need donations to purchase food and volunteers to serve lunch to approximately 140 people. Justa Center serves homeless senior individuals. Donations to COB designating Justa Center. September 3 from 9:30am to 12:00pm, 1001 West Jefferson , Phoenix. Located on the Southeast Corner of 10thAve and Jefferson.  Register with Doris or Pat to volunteer.

United Church of Santa Fe will host the Santa Fe Chorale program, “Sure on this shining night” on Fri, Aug 3rd at 5 PM. Rev Talitha Arnold will collaborate with the Chorale focusing on stewardship of the environment. Call 988-2282 for info.

Desert Garden’s women’s groups will celebrate the life of Sue Grafton with a “Z is for Zero” luncheon on Aug 13th at 10:30. Bring a salad to share.

The Sedona Academy of Chamber Singers will perform at Church of the Red Rocks on Aug 19th at 2 PM. The program, “From the Heart”, will feature works illustrating different human emotions.

In August, Encanto Community Church will hold Youth Tutoring Night at the request of any student, young or old. Qualified adults from the parish are available to offer assistance in any subject. Dessert is always provided!

First Congregational Church Prescott delivered a $1070 check to the Coalition for Compassion and Justice in support of this year’s “Fair Start.” Approximately 1,000 backpacks were packed with school supplies for students in grades K-12. Next, through August, their mission emphasis is the Discovery Gardens Preschool, whose student body includes students who are developmentally challenged as well as those whose parents are living at or below the federal poverty level. 

First Congregational UCC Albuquerque has a Little Free Library in their parking lot!