West Congregational UCC to end public ministry

On Sunday, March 28, West Congregational Church UCC voted to end public ministry. West Church began in 1956 and was accepted into the Arizona Association of Congregational Christian Churches in 1958. In time the Congregational Christian Church congregations voted to join the United Church of Christ which had been established in 1957. On October 20, 1996 West Church celebrated 40 years with a special service.

In 1961 a freeway claimed the location of West Congregational Church’s chapel (McDowell Rd. & 39th Dr.) The Congregational Conference of Southern California and the Southwest purchased property on West Thomas Road for West Congregational Church’s use (it’s current home). In 1966 the newly formed Southwest Conference received title to the property and worked with West Church to refinance the mortgages so that an education wing could be built.

Spiritual formation is one of West Church’s legacies. Former member in discernment Lauri Hasler provided significant leadership for the congregation particularly in their multicultural and multilingual worship services. Two ministers were ordained from West Congregational Church: the Rev. Curt Miner and the Rev. Dennis Copen, Jr. Clergy serving West Congregational Church since 1958 have included the Revs. James Bull, Walter Frutiger, Dale Frank, Stanley Plumer, Merwyn Johnson, James Keener, Greg Hepner, Eugene Rose, Lewis Crawford, Carl Eschenbrenner, Jim Meadows, Jim Rabb, Jim Riggins, and Ron Wilson. Their current pastor is the Rev. Pamela Hines.

West Congregational Church has been an important part of the neighborhood, outreach included spring and fall rummage sales, weekly thrift shop, and in more recent years spaghetti dinners and their annual St. Patrick’s Day corned beef dinner.

The church’s final worship service will be on May 16, 3 p.m. at West Church.