Jottings 9/20/2021

Pastor Michael from Casas Adobes UCC just began a term on the Board of Directors for Our Family Services (OFS) and shares the good news that at his first Board meeting he learned the "Multiplying Our Gifts" monies from CAUCC along with a small grant from the City of Tucson empowered OFS to support 64 families remaining in their homes (instead of being evicted/facing homelessness) during fiscal year 2020!

Folks in Albuquerque can join First Congregational UCC  on Sat. Sept. 25th at 5 pm to walk to a nearby park to hear Shawn Dromgoole tell his story. “It all started with a walk...and turned into so much more. In early June 2020, Shawn was afraid to walk in his neighborhood after the George Floyd killing. His neighbors said they would walk with him – hundreds walked with him later that week. Now Shawn is continuing his walks across the United States to help others feel safe and heard.” To learn more about Shawn, click here:

Local Sahuarita realtors recently rocked the world of the Sahuarita Food Bank by selecting them as recipients of their annual fundraiser.  The Green Valley/Sahuarita Association of Realtors (GVSAR) wrote a generous check for $7150 from their charity golf tournament at Desert Hills Golf Club, August 30, always well attended and successful.  The Food Bank is a mission of The Good Shepherd UCC in Sahuarita.

Who do people say that WE are? Here are some comments folks have posted about Church of the Good Shepherd in Albuquerque on YouTube, TikTok, and Google reviews.  (I selected a few- what amazing testimony!)

“I love the rainbow "Be the Church" flag over the door of your church. The rainbow was a sign of a promise from God that all would be ok. The storm was over and all was safe. I feel like your church is showing that people are safe and that their storm is nearing its end.”

“I’m not a Christian, but can I come to your church and just hang out? Ya’ll sound amazing.”

“I’m a trans Christian and your church’s witness makes me smile”

“Videos about the Bible and how ya'll do church have really helped me in my journey of faith.”

“I am a Muslim but I get what you’re trying to do. You’re saying God’s word is be kind to everybody. Unconditional love. So nice.”

“If every church was like yours, I’d actually look forward to going to heaven (and I’d go to church!)”

“I’m Mormon, and I support you! You are so clearly a place where all people are loved.”

“I don’t really dig religion usually, but I would gladly come to your church to learn.”

“You may not realize it, but your church's welcoming attitude, your worship services, sermons, and Pastor Sarah’s videos have really helped me in my journey of faith.”

"I send Pastor Sarah's videos to my daughter who just came out and was kicked out of her church. Your church's message has been so comforting to her."

Sacred Waters, Third Tuesdays, starting September 21 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.  Arizona Faith Network and Arizona Interfaith Power and Light join together with Arizona leaders to explore Arizona's lifeblood: water. Together they will explore the voices, history, gifts, and challenges of Arizona's water.  Featuring Professor Rhett Larson, the Richard Morrison Professor of Water Law at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law.


Fight isolation and join in for a Guinness Book of World Records attempt on Oct. 22nd. Televeda and DUET: Partners in Health & Aging (a mission of Beatitudes), with the support of Cigna, invite the community to a high-energy online Bingo game at 10am.  They will be competing for the most viewers of a bingo livestream on a bespoke platform.  This is a free event for all ages.  LEARN MORE HERE »

An essay upon the passing of Bishop Spong: “Theology without limit or bound”

by Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer

Here was a bishop putting into words answers to the questions I had asked all my life.