Invitation to hear Charles Rodgers from Amazon Prime's "Serving Life"

Invitation from Rev. Sue Joiner:

Charles Rodgers is coming back to First Congregational in Albuquerque. Many heard him last year and were deeply moved by his story, so invited him back.  He is featured in a documentary called Serving Life about the work he and others did as hospice volunteers while in prison. It is a powerful story and all are encouraged to watch it on Amazon Prime.

Charles will be speaking in worship on Sunday, December 4. He will also be speaking about the criminal justice system and prison reform on Dec 3rd at 4pm.

We would love to invite folks to join us because it will be online. If you are interested in hearing a powerful story from someone who has been incarcerated and found a new life outside the system, Charles’ story will move you.

Join us Saturday, December 3rd at 4 pm MST or for worship Sunday, December 4th at 10:30 am MST.

