Jottings 3/14/2022

From Encanto Community Church:  During Lent your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to serve others by adding an act of kindness each day --40 acts of kindness. Below you will find ideas to get you started. You can use these ideas as a start ( I didn’t list all 40 suggestions- ya’ll are creative!). Go big or go small ... it is the service and kindness that matters.

  • Stop rushing and hold the door open for someone. 

  • Do a chore for someone without them knowing. 

  • Make someone laugh.

  • Return someone’s cart at the store.

  • Leave a happy note for someone.

  • Pick up litter.

  • Let someone go ahead of you in line.

  • Compliment a friend.

  • Plant something.

  • Bake dessert for a neighbor.

  • Check in on a neighbor.

  • Send a card to someone you have not recently.

  • Tell someone why they are special to you…..

QUOTES FOR YOUR SOUL” will be a new feature every two months in  the newsletter at Church of the Palms.  Folks are asked to submit a favorite quote on the topic selected for that issue. There is a lot of creativity and lots of readers in the congregation.  So the question is “what speaks to you and what do you find meaningful.”  It could even be someone’s own quote!

“How the Bible Actually Works: In Which I Explain How An Ancient, Ambiguous, and Diverse Book Leads Us to Wisdom Rather Than Answers―and Why That's Great News” - Pastor Randy Mayer at The Good Shepherd in Sahuarita is using this book, written by Peter Enns, for their book study this Lent.  The Bible is important in our faith—but it is not an instruction manual or a rule book, rather it is a powerful learning tool that nurtures our spiritual growth and leads us to interesting and life changing questions.  I just loved the title and thought I’d pass it along to you!

MonoDia is a new way to do church! It's an alternative worship experience for your ears and eyes. You can listen to the podcast on your favorite podcast player or you can watch the livestream (1st & 3rd Sundays, 8:45am). Pastor Tony from Church of the Beatitudes presents an intriguing MONOlogue message for your consideration and reflection, followed by a DIAlogue facilitated by Janelle Tapphorn. You can even participate in the dialogue after the live broadcast by sending your questions and comments by email to WATCH MONODIA HERE »

First Christian Church in Las Cruces is restarting their Wednesday Social Hours. These groups meet once a month for fellowship and discussion 
Crafters Group (1st Wed. of every month) 
LGBTQ Group (2nd Wed. of every month) 
20s and 30s Group (3rd Wed. of every month) 
Book Discussion Group (4th Wed. of every month) 

The Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ (UCC) makes "solidarity" grants available to ministry organizations founded by member congregations of the Conference. Hope House of Sedona, a mission of Church of the Red Rocks, has been awarded a grant of $25,000 to install a solar energy system for the house to help us be good stewards of God’s environment and to minimize operating costs.

First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque has sunflowers (the national flower of Ukraine ) in the sanctuary on Sundays to stand in solidarity with Ukraine. 

Two part-time positions are currently open at the Arizona Faith Network:  Voting Rights Organizer. Click on the link for the job description, which includes duties, qualifications, and application procedures.  AFN EMPLOYMENT

Pastor Paul at Church of the Palms reminds us that the UCC is widely known as that “comma church.” Meaning that our denomination’s logo includes a comma. That comma symbol has its genesis from a quote, not from some famous theologian, but from entertainer Gracie Allen to her husband, George Burns: “Never place a period where God has put a comma.”  We've added over the years to that, saying, “God is still speaking,”

Pastor Paul has added some additional punctuation marks for us to ponder:

  • ? Bring your questions during Lent and beyond. I can’t promise a 15-second answer to any of the things with which you are puzzled, but questions are welcomed.

  • ! Bring your joy! Don’t be afraid of expressing your joy!

  • ( ) You are included, valued, and important.

  • Bring your waiting time, the time of discernment.

  • @ Be at church this season.

  • & Bring others – make the circle wider and wider.

  • * You are special and unique.

  • > Be a part of something greater than yourself.

Lent is a great time to discover who we are and who we are to become.

This seems a fitting close for this week’s Jottings:

Throughout Lent, Oro Valley UCC is exploring various Christian renditions of the prayer of Jesus, more traditionally known as the Lord's Prayer.

This week's version of the prayer of Jesus or Lord's Prayer

By: Manny Santiago

Our Parent, who is among us, blessed be your Creation.

May your reign be a reality here on earth.

May we become more interested in building your kin-dom here and now than in waiting for it to come down from above.

Let us share our bread with those who hunger.

Let us learn to forgive as well as to receive forgiveness.

Help us through the time of temptation, delivering us from all evil.

For ours are the eternal blessings that you pour upon the earth.
