Jottings 6/6/22

Our sincere condolences to Pastor Paul Whitlock of Church of the Palms upon the death of his sister, Carol Ruth.  Paul’s brother, John Michael, passed away in 2013. 

Our condolences to Pastor Tom Martinez of Desert Palm upon the death of his father that occurred during a routine heart procedure.  From Tom: “He was a person of deep faith who really loved the Church. That said, he and I were pretty much on the opposite ends of the theological continuum. Hence I was especially nervous one Sunday when he was visiting and he raised his hand during Joys and Concerns. Then he surprised me by saying how it was nice to be in an Open and Affirming church, given that one of his daughters (my younger sister, Linda) is gay. My relationship with my dad was like that over the years. Despite my having grown in different directions, forging my own beliefs along the way, he reminded me over and over again that in the end, it all comes down to love.”

Pastor Brady Abel of United Church of Sun City recently attended the Festival of Homiletics in Denver, CO as part of his annual continuing education.   Homiletics is the art of writing and preaching a sermon. Think homily. So, the Festival of Homiletics is a theological title that means preaching festival. This was the thirtieth annual festive and Pastor Brady’s fourth time attending.  The festival is designed to bring together preachers from multiple denominations and from all around to world to witness well known preachers preaching, or lecturing, or presenting workshops about this work of proclaiming God’s good news.  The opening worship featured Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III from Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

Casas Adobes has created a new Facebook group for focused attention on Justice and Mission Opportunities in these challenging days. It will assist all those who want to stay "in the loop" about educational events, articles, petitions, advocacy and community organizing groups, and more AND to share resources and invitations.

We Are Watching!"

Thursday, June 9, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. via Zoom

Join Faiths United to Save Democracy, the African American Christian Clergy Coalition of Arizona, AZ Jews for Justice, Arizona Faith Network, Bread for the World, Sojourners, and faith leaders for a meeting with Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer to:

• Understand how AZ elections will be run

• Get answers to your voting rights questions


First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque is welcoming Summer Pastoral Intern Clara Sims.  Her introduction: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to serve as an intern with you this summer!  I am from Los Lunas, New Mexico, and, although I did not grow up in an institutional faith background, I was deeply influenced by the earth-honoring spirituality embedded in my parents’ choices of how and where to live. Being simultaneously formed in the deeply Catholic culture of my community, I grew up with lots of theological questions, which I would not know how to name as such until I began college at Willamette University in Salem, OR. There, majoring in Religious Studies and History, my entire worldview was broken open. I began college expecting to pursue politics and environmental studies and was swept up instead along a new path of holding my deep care and concern for the earth in tandem with my studies and increasing personal draw toward Christianity. In exploring different denominations during a summer internship with New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, I felt immediately at home in the UCC, and the “rest is history,” so to speak! I chose to apply to Yale Divinity School because of their leadership in religion and ecology and just, unbelievably, completed my second year there!  As I continue to explore a call to ordained ministry, I have no doubt that I will learn so much working with and alongside you. Thank you for welcoming me with such warmth – I look forward with excitement and gratitude for all that is to come.”

Ellen Jost and Nancy Klatt of Church of the Beatitudes, with Karen Minear's input,  have composed a letter/petition that they submitted to the congregation yesterday for their signatures.  They will send the petition directly to the Arizona Congressional delegation, House majority and minority leaders, Senate majority and minority leaders, and a bi-partisan senate committee working on compromise gun safety legislation now.

Scottsdale UCC’s  mission project for the month of May was to support Iglesia Cristiana El Buen Pastor in Mesa, Arizona. The church welcomes families seeking asylum every week.  Their pastor sent this letter of thanks.

March For Our Lives Action To Oppose Gun Violence

June 11, 2022 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MST (AZ)

Arizona State Capital1700 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85007

Take action to change our gun laws. For more information

From Church of the Painted Hills: