Some "things" from First Congregational Church Flagstaff as their institutional ministry draws to a close

The institutional ministry of First Congregational Church Flagstaff will draw to a close at the end of September. We wish to express our gratitude to all our sister congregations in the SWC for having walked the faith journey with us these past six decades and shared with us all the hills and valleys of this journey. Thank you so much for keeping the faith; our journey may appear to be done, but in a way it continues in yours.

As we approach our time of closing, we do have some “things” – we hope of some value – for which we need to find new homes. Among them are the following:

20-30 used New Century Hymnals, 3 NCH accompanist copies, 20-30 folding chairs (we never had pews), books including publications of theologians such as Walter Brueggemann, Bibles, choral music (sheet music and choral books,) a metal cross sculpture, a 13 ft. tall wall-mount metal cross (it is, literally, now “off the wall,”) a prayer bench, large and medium podiums/pulpits, a bifold oak display cabinet, a creche, boxes of Christmas decorations and “stuff”, liturgical cloths, banners and altar cloths, service banners and other banners, 30-plus choir robes and stoles, clerical stoles, a welcome banner, a labeling machine, a shredder, altar candlesticks and oil, offering plates, candle lighters or “torches,”  and some AV and sound system equipment “things.” 

We apologize that we have not been able to itemize or describe each of these things in detail. However, we invite and welcome any of our sister churches, or individual members in these churches, who may be interested in giving any or more of these items a new church home to contact our moderator, Bruce Ertmann, (email address: and make inquiries. One important caveat: All these items will have to be picked up in Flagstaff. We are sorry we do not have the ability to make any deliveries.