Jottings 9/26/2022

Phoenix Jazz Girls Rising (PJGR) is holding a workshop at Desert Palm UCC during fall break the week of Oct 3-7. They are excited to finally get out in the community and reach girls who are jazz curious and want to develop some skills in a supportive environment.  Claudia Bloom, a leader in PJGR, is the accompanist at Desert Palm.  This workshop is FREE! 

First Christian Church in Las Cruces is assembling a fun Noah’s Ark article for their October newsletter and is asking for photographs and stories about folks’ pets!  Furbabies, scalebabies, and others all are welcome!

Northern churches are helping busloads of migrants, and more should get ready. That’s the message from the National UCC.  Many of our SW Conference churches, who have been doing this work, might think about how they can advise and assist our northern partners. Read more

Casas Adobes now has a “children’s library” book shelf in the church courtyard where young and “seasoned” alike are invited to check out books to read at home.  We all know how much the “church library “ is under-utilized. This may introduce a resource and encourage readers of all ages!

First Congregational in Albuquerque has an annual fundraiser that is fun & earns money for the church!  Volunteers work the merchandise tent for the Balloon Fiesta.  Hours are really early- 4:30 AM to 11:00 AM- but very worth it! Folks can work one, two or all three days.

World Communion Sunday is an ecumenical event, observed by many denominations, highlighting unity and cooperation in the global Christian faith. This year, Shadow Rock will be blessed by worship participation with Pastor Francis' African refugee congregation, with whom they have partnered for several years.

This is the month many churches hold pet blessings.  Here is a cute pic that Encanto Community Church had in their newsletter.

Congregational Church of the Valley members have been supporting the Healthy Packs program for Scottsdale Community Schools since 2017. The program provides healthy weekend snacks to students who often don’t have enough to eat over the weekend when school lunches are not available. Many teachers are avid supporters of this program after witnessing the difference this makes when students return to class on Mondays.

Yesterday, Desert Palm celebrated a special commissioning of Marc Gaston who was honored as their Minister of Music and the Arts. Commissioning is something the conference used to do but has since been delegated to the local congregation. Distinct from ordination, a commissioning is an affirmation of an individual's gifts in a particular setting.