Jottings 10/23/2023

Church of the Palms had a successful Silent Auction for their Homeless Jesus Sculpture. $5,717 was raised! $1,143 (20%) will go to mission and outreach causes. $4,574 will be added to the Homeless Jesus fund.

The Youth of Casas Adobes joined with the Adult Spiritual Formation participants for a joint session to talk about caring for our world. The younger participants had prepared presentations in various formats to share their joys and concerns about our imagined future: personally, locally, nationally, and globally -- sharing perspective on relationships, religion, politics, technology, and climate. They were thoughtful and courageous in their sharing.

As All Saints Day approaches Casas Adobes remembers and celebrates all who have passed from this life, and once again will have their memory tables set up in the sanctuary. They will honor their loved ones and their lives with pictures, notes and mementos. Folks can bring photos or other meaningful items to set on the table to share their memory on Sunday October 29th…the table will stay in the sanctuary until November 5th.

A compelling story found in the National UCC news bulletin.  How a pastor experienced Palestinian hospitality fleeing West Bank when violence broke out. Read more

There was a break-in at First Church Phoenix late Monday night. Someone broke into the Sanctuary through the red front doors and vandalized the sanctuary AV station and Ofrenda.  Luckily, no additional damage or theft has been reported on the property.

A Resolution Copper mine threatens to destroy Oak Flat. From the beginning of time, Apache Stronghold has grounded their resistance in the strength of their religious practice and spiritual relationship with the land.  Apache Stronghold asks people of other faiths to join them in this spiritual struggle. On November 4, Apache Stronghold will amplify these intercessions into a prayer-rising for the preservation of Oak Flat. Indigenous people will gather at Oak Flat to pray according to their ways. People of other faiths will also gather to encounter the Holy and to confront, through prayer, the forces of destruction brought by Resolution Copper.


Black Mountain  UCC kicked off this year's stewardship season with the theme "Because of You Our Church Changes Lives.”  The youth were given $10 each with the charge to do something good for someone else this week... and report back!  What a cool idea!

Scottsdale UCC is celebrating Twenty Years of hosting Sacred Grounds Jazz Coffee House and all that that means on Nov 2nd at 6:30pm. All are invited! You will find a link HERE to an informational presentation that shows what Sacred Grounds has meant to the church and our world. Come to see the special performances and talk to the musicians and patrons to find how these communities have been impacted. 

A lighter ending to a difficult week:

Trunk or Treat! At First Congregational in Albuquerque.  

‘Twas the 28th of October and all thru the city

The children were ready to start trunk or treating


The cars were designed with with various themes

Having shown up promptly to decorate at 3:15 


At 4:00 pm the trunk or treaters arrived

Wearing costumes and holding big bags at their side


Candy! They cried! Given us more if you please

As they darted from car to car with skill and ease


Everyone handed out candy galore, 

but what they provided was oh so much more


Our support for community, how the neighbors are fairing

The business of this church is loving and caring


So come on the 28th, at 3:15

And decorate your car along with me

We’ll show everyone what First UCC is about;

And we’ll all have a great time

Of this… there’s no doubt