Celebrating Our LGBTQIA+ Elders: Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future

from pre-MID Christopher Schouten:

On a vibrant and heartwarming day at Solstice Senior Living in Sun City West, residents and community members gathered to celebrate Pride and honor the incredible journey of our LGBTQIA+ elders. This third annual Pride event was particularly special, as it featured speakers from our very own United Church of Christ (UCC) congregations, including representatives from Desert Garden, Scottsdale Congregational, and First Church Phoenix as well as Rev. Christine Dance from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix. Church members from Desert Garden were also present. 

The event was a testament to the enduring spirit and resilience of our LGBTQIA+ seniors, who have paved the way for the freedoms we enjoy today. Pastor Bill Utke from Desert Garden UCC, Christopher Schouten from First Church Phoenix, Rev. Christine Dance, and other community leaders shared messages of faith, acceptance, and love. They reminded us of the importance of bringing today's true gospel of love to a generation that has experienced weaponized faith.

We must never forget our LGBTQIA+ elders and the sacrifices they made to create a more inclusive world. Their stories and experiences are invaluable, and it is our duty to honor and celebrate them, ensuring they feel the love and acceptance they deserve.

View the original article in the local Sun City newspaper here.