Designated Conference Minister Review Team

The Designated Conference Minister Review Team Requests Your Input

Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons’ has been in his Designated Conference Minister (DCM) role for just over one year now.  In keeping with our SWC Employee Handbook and good employment practices it is time for the Personnel Committee and Moderator to provide him with an annual review.  We would like to invite you to provide input for Bill’s performance review if you feel you have enough experience with him to provide some fair and meaningful feedback.  We have created a survey that you can access by clicking on the link below to provide your point of view on how Bill has been leading our conference in his first year in this role. 

Thank you,

On behalf of the DCM Review Team,

Rebecca Glenn, SWC Moderator and Chair of the DCM Review Team


DCM Review Team:

Rev. Dr. George Ault, Past Moderator

Margaret Douglas, Cocam A

Rev. Sue Joiner, Cocam B

Rev. Bonnie McNair, Chaplain

Rev. Liana Rowe, Moderator-elect and chair of Personnel Committee

Ron Schilling, Personnel Committee