Hurricane Update and Request

From Phil Shea, SWC Disaster Ministry:

A lot is happening at UCC Disaster Ministries domestically and globally. We would truly like to connect with you and your congregation regarding all you are doing and how you are responding as individuals and congregations. Read below the latest update from our Disaster Ministries Executive. In addition to your financial support and efforts to build kits, I would be most happy to help build volunteer teams now and into the future. What a great experience it would be if we had people from our churches joining together on teams to rebuild our neighbors' communities and at the same time share our experiences and stories from our varied congregations. Please contact me at or through the SWC office. Your stories and examples of how you are supporting disaster relief can be inspiring and will provide models for other churches and individuals. Feel free and comfortable sharing your stories and experiences with our Conference Office and me.

UCC Hires Couple to Coordinate Harvey Recovery
Amariee Collins and the Rev. Joshua Lawrence of Houston, Texas, have been hired to coordinate the UCC's Hurricane Harvey recovery work over the next two years.

Volunteer Opportunities
In Texas, volunteers are needed now for "muck and gut" work in homes flooded during Hurricane Harvey, and in Florida for clean-up and rebuilding homes damaged in Hurricanes Irma and Matthew. Full information HERE.

Matching Grants for Cleanup Buckets
UCC Disaster Ministries' $250 matching grants are still available to congregations assembling CWS Emergency Cleanup Buckets, in particularly high demand after three consecutive hurricanes. Hygiene and School Kits also are needed. More than 100 UCC congregations have started or completed their grant applications so far! Check it out HERE.  

Funds for U.S., Caribbean Response
UCC Disaster Ministries has dispatched $51,500 so far for hurricane response, including:

  • $20,000 for Haiti, half for home repair and half for prevention and treatment of cholera and malnutrition.
  • $10,000 for Cuba, for water, sanitation, hygiene, temporary shelter, non-food emergency items like blankets and medicine; help around food security (damaged crops) and recovery/livelihoods, and psycho-social support.
  • $10,000 for Puerto Rico, to provide first aid kits, electric generators, drinking water, water filters, non-perishable food, and battery-powered radios in 20 communities (5,000 people).
  • $5,000 for basic household goods and appliances for 78 families in the batyes or Dominico-Haitian communities in the Dominican Republic.
  • $6,500 in solidarity grants to UCC congregations in Texas and Florida.