SWC profile is completed - your feedback is valuable

The search for a settled associate conference minister has taken steps forward. A profile for the Southwest Conference, including a position description, has been completed. Please join me in thanking Randy Mayer, Lauri Hasler, Janet Leung, Rebecca Glenn, John Smith, Donna Lockridge, and Wendy Spurgeon for their time and energy putting our profile together. The team reviewed very carefully the listening session data gathered in 2017 among other sources as they did their work. They were thoughtful, intentional, and reflected the wide variety of opinions throughout the conference.  

Before we send our profile to candidates for their consideration, the profile committee wants to get your feedback. Please take a few minutes to read through the profile and send your thoughts to them. The profile will be shared with ACM candidates before being interviewed. The deadline for your feedback is February 26.

The ACM position was posted nationally on February 1. Applicants have until the end of the month to submit their ministerial profiles. A search committee will be appointed by the SWC Executive Board. Per the SWC bylaws, the Executive Board will review that committee's recommendation and hopes to fill this position by our annual meeting in April.

Rev. Dr. William M. Lyons
Conference Minister
Office: 602-468-3830
Direct: 602-317-2724