Uniting Church & Community through Music

Are you trying to make a difference in how music and the arts are used in the church? Come to the 13th Biennial National Conference of the United Church of Christ Musicians Association (UCCMA) in Madison, Wisconsin, June 25-28.

This year’s conference will be hosted by First Congregational UCC in the vibrant community of Madison, Wisconsin. The planning committee has created a conference that will explore unique elements of music and art to inspire and uplift attendees. Workshops will range from organ, choral and handbells to drumming, liturgical art, liturgical movement, to working with a variety of aged voices, and promoting the arts in a variety of ways.

The Madison conference will feature many nationally known leaders in music and worship including: 

  • Albert Pinsonneault (Choral rehearsals & workshops)

  • John Behnke (Handbell rehearsals & workshops)

  • Bruce A. Bengtson (Organ workshops)

  • The Rev. Geoffrey A. Black (Worship)

  • Richard Bruxvoort Colligan (Morning worship)

  • Bryon Sirchio (Music & social justice)

  • Gregory Zelek (Organ concert)


  • Don Shier & Aaron VanDanacker (Broadway and Worship)

  • Susan Mendenhall (Liturgical dance)

  • Linda Hancock & Gail O’Neal (Art as worship)

  • Sarah Bodell (Drumming)

  • Jeff Rabe (Children’s music and drama)

  • Ann Beaty (Spiritual support for musicians)

  • Janet Kessenich (Sound and silence in worship)

  • Bryan Johnson (African-American music)

  • Winton Boyd (Clergy/Musician relationships)

Many workshops will be offered twice for maximum exposure.

Enjoy the con vivo! Chamber Music Ensemble in concert on Thursday evening at the First Unitarian Society meeting house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Learn more – take advantage of early registration until April 15