Annual Clergy Informational Review

clergy annual informational review 2019 TW.png

The Southwest Conference UCC Annual Clergy review form is available for all Conference Clergy to complete.

“The annual Information Review is a basic obligation to maintain good ministerial standing…” (United Church of Christ Manual on Ministry).

This survey is a means for authorized ministers to participate in the Information Review in order to uphold the covenantal relationship with their Conferences and Associations.

Please complete and submit this form by March 31, 2024.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your SWC Member Account. If you registered for a Conference event and created a login, please enter your account information to access the SWC Member portal. If you did NOT create a login, or forgot your password, simply click the appropriate links to register / reset your password.

  2. Please update your contact information by selecting the "Update My Profile" option before starting the review to verify that your contact information is correct and up-to-date. (You may not be able to access the Informational Review if your profile is not current.)

  3. Update your addresses by selecting "Manage my Addresses" in the dropdown menu. Although this step is not necessary to access the review form, it is a piece of the overall Annual Informational Review process.

  4. Complete the Annual Informational Review by selecting the form in the dropdown menu. (Note: Incomplete forms cannot be saved to finish later. Please dedicate some time to complete the form in one sitting.)

  5. Upload any necessary documentation after completing the review using the "Upload Documentation" section of the drop down menu. (Certificates, etc.)

The Southwest Conference Office is available if you require assistance. For questions about the Annual Review content, please contact our Bridge Associate Conference Minister, Rev. Janice Steele; for technical assistance using the SWC Member Login Portal, please contact Wende Gonzales.

Thank you.