Shine! Lighthouse - Connect with General Synod from afar!

Keeping with tradition, the Local Arrangements Committee of the Milwaukee Conference is organizing several General Synod Social Justice Opportunities. All this year's projects are inspired by the Church's Three Great Love initiative.

The host committee is also encouraging Synod attendees to visually share ways, via the Shine! Lighthouse, that they are living into the UCC's Three Great Loves in their own communities.

"Delegates and Guests are invited to bring a 4 x 6 photograph and attach a note card size description of a mission project that their Church or Conference is engaged in that ‘shines' the light of God's love in the world," said Rev. Tim Perkins, coordinator of the Local Arrangements Committee. "These will be displayed on a large lighthouse as a witness. It's a great way to share ministries and ideas with others at Synod."

Our Southwest Conference delegation can take YOUR photograph and note card with them to General Synod. The deadline for receiving photographs in the office is June 18. Drop them off, snail mail them, or email correctly-sized (4x6 photo plus 3x5 explanation) pdf to Bill Lyons’ email,