The Southwest Conference Parish Clergy Coaching Initiative

April 20, 2020

Easter greetings from the Committee on Church and Ministry Section B!

Professional clergy coaches offer the gift of deep listening that focuses on the wisdom clients have within themselves for finding their best path forward. Unlike consulting, the expert is you. It’s different from therapy; coaching focuses on the present and future, not on healing the past. Coaching is part professional development, part selfcare, and part skill building. And so much more.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Southwest Conference Parish Clergy Coaching Initiative. The SWC is offering clergy serving local congregations:

  • $2 for $1 matching grants – up to $1000 per clergyperson – when they participate in one year of coaching through one of COCAM B’s vetted professional clergy coaches. Your investment of $500 becomes $1500!

  • Grants of $1500 to first-call clergy serving local churches when they participate in one year of coaching through one of COCAM B’s vetted professional clergy coaches.

We invite you and your congregation to take advantage of this opportunity. We believe our clergy, our churches, and our Conference will benefit.

Three sources for professional clergy coaches have been vetted and are approved for this program.

COCAM B will also consider requests to include other credentialed professional clergy coaches with whom a pastor has a previous professional relationship.

The SWC Executive Board established a designated fund to support COCAM B’s commitment to excellence in ministry with resources made available when Faith United Church/Dewey closed. The grants are paid to local churches upon receipt of a signed coaching contract between the clergy person and the coach.

To enroll in the program email your intention to COCAMB@UCCSWC.ORG. With a confident expectation that God will do more than we could ask or imagine,

Joyce Schneider, COCAM B Chair

click to view the signed letter