VAM (Virtual Annual Meeting) updates!

Last call for tech team volunteers!

If you’ve acquired some Zoom webinar skills this year (or are willing to be trained), please contact our Virtual Annual Meeting coordinator, Karen Richter.

You'll need:

  • familiarity with Zoom meeting and webinar, ideally including hosting experience

  • comfort with multi-tasking, multi-screen online events

  • friendly demeanor and patience with technology

  • a cool head under pressure!

  • experience with Annual Meeting procedures is a plus

Special Offering

The offering during the conference-wide worship service on October 4 will support the conference's racial justice programming.

Registration reminder

It’s time! Get the details on our Annual Meeting page.

Save the Date

Orientation for ALL delegates is at 8 am AZ time / 9 am NM/TX time on September 19.


Resolutions will be available after September 17. Watch the Annual Meeting page for updates.

Virtual Choir

We’re up to 20 singers. Add your voice! Visit the virtual choir page to learn how.