Guidance for Resuming In-Person Gatherings In Southwest Conference Churches

“Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

Decisions about resuming in-person gatherings in your church rest in your hands, not in the hands of government officials or of the Southwest Conference staff. This resource has been designed to be a starting point for meaningful conversation among your local church leaders as you develop your own protocol or policy for resuming in-person gatherings (worship, classes, working in the office). It reflects our deep and abiding love for one another and for our neighbors and highlights our common desire to nurture the health and welfare of the people in our congregations and our communities.

What we know about the spread and risks of the coronavirus has changed significantly since the pandemic began. These guidelines reflect what we know now. They are derived from a variety of scientific, ministry, and government sources, examples of which are referenced herein. Recommendations can vary depending on the context for which they are written so it is important to heed regulations and guidance offered by your state and local officials. The guidance offered here gives weight to recommendations from state health departments within the geography that is the Southwest Conference as well as to the best practices advocated by the CDC. These guidelines are intended for local churches and communities within the Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ, and are designed to encourage returning to in-person gatherings as soon as it is safe to do so.