It's a celebration—Arizona Women's Hall of Fame to induct Rev. Dosia Carlson!

from Church of the Beatitudes’ newsletter:

You're Invited!

Arizona Women's Hall of Fame

2022 Virtual Induction Celebration

Wednesday, April 27 | 3:00 pm MST


Join us as we celebrate and pay tribute to beloved Beatitudes Saint, the late Rev. Dr. Dosia Carlson, recently nominated and selected to be inducted into the Arizona Women's Hall of Fame.  

Duet: Partners in Health & Aging—the organization founded by Dosia in 1981 under the name Beatitudes Center DOAR (Beatitudes Center for Developing Older Adult Resources) —recently nominated her for induction for the historic and significant role she played in addressing and serving the plight of senior citizens, the "invisible elderly," of our community and this state. For over 40 years, Duet has served to realize Dosia's vision of a community where every person ages with compassion, dignity, and hope.  

For those who knew Dosia, her legacy of service included a life-long dedication to making God's love real. Her empathy was matched only by her love and compassion for every human being she encountered. With a strong wit and insatiable curiosity, Dosia kept us laughing and learning. Her legacy and impact on the history of women in Arizona will continue today, tomorrow and everyday.    

The virtual online induction ceremony will be livestreamed at 3:00 pm MST on Wednesday, April 27 (to watch click the link or button below). 

Viewing instructions: A preview video and countdown clock will start at 2:50 p.m., Wednesday, April 27, at The show will kick off at 3 p.m. and will run for 50 minutes. If you don't see the broadcast on your computer or TV, please refresh your browser. To view the video on full-screen mode just click the "X" icon in the lower right corner of the viewer. This "live" video is being recorded for re-broadcast afterward.