Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? – Isaiah 43:19 (the Message) 

You Are Invited to Join a Pilgrimage to the BatWorld. 

A pilgrimage is a journey usually to an unfamiliar place to see or experience something sacred. As part of our first SWC Pilgrimage project event, we invite a journey to the BatWorld.  We invite you to plan with your families, church friends, or youth groups to find a bat colony location near you and gather around dusk on Friday, June 24, to be pilgrims, visitors and learners to the BatWorld.  If that night doesn’t work for you, choose another. 

But…why BATS?! 

The inhabitants of BatWorld are often villainized and trivialized in our western culture.  Many times, they are associated with nefarious forces or described as “monsters” or connected with the idea of evil and death.  But in the root of the word “monster” we are shown or advised of something.  “Monster” has the Latin “monstrum” base meaning a sign or omen; just as we see in the English word “demonstrate” or the Spanish word “mostrar”: to show (like an omen).  Often, when we stop and become aware, things we create to be “monsters” show us more about our preconceptions, prejudices, fears and privileges.  But, in many cultures, bats are recognized and honored as symbols of good fortune, recognizing fears but moving through them into new light and transformation.   

Bats are extremely vital and valuable parts of our ecosystems around the world, but because of misunderstanding and poor conservation, their numbers are being severely decreased.  All varieties of bats together make up ONE QUARTER of ALL MAMMALS on earth!   

Bats, particularly in Western European cultures as well as some others around the world, have come to symbolize evil forces and death due to their nocturnal habits, potentially carrying diseases, and a few varieties being blood eaters.  But, to many indigenous and East Asian cultures, bats are very positive symbols of good luck, moving from dark to light, from inner mystery to transformation and new life. Awareness and better understanding of those things we fear, help us be better humans and make better connections to each other and God.  This awareness is even more powerful in shared community and shared focus: a PILGRIMAGE!  BatWorld pilgrimage is our first step into an attitude of awareness, respectful journey and listening to something important that we may have misconceptions and fears about, and being transformed.  Plus…have fun and build community among us in our various places! 

So do what nourishes your faith community, meets your travel needs and your time challenges. Think of BatWorld as a multiverse! Here are some BatWorld pilgrimage suggestions:  

  • Visiting the Phoenix Bat Cave for an evening or for a weekend retreat (with youth from Scottsdale Congregational UCC on June 24) See flyer.

  • Visiting the Campbell Ave. Bat Bridge at Rillito River Project or the Broadway Blvd. Bat Bridge, (7601 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85710) both in Tucson, on an early evening excursion. See flyer.

  • Going to a park, parking lot or other location with streetlights (places that attract flying insects) and watch for BatWorld to manifest itself.

  • Becoming aware of BatWorld locations close to your community.

  • Visiting a live Bat Cam on the internet.

  • Making a video of your local BatWorld and sharing it with us.

The opportunity to go on pilgrimage is not limited by time or location.  Find a creative way for your community to join. 

Tucson and Phoenix area communities will be connecting via technology to share our experiences and stories of BatWorld.  If you would like to be in connection let us know. 

Let your imagination take flight and let’s build relationships with creation and each other. 

The journey begins with one step… 

Rev. John Angiulo, Casas Adobes Cong. UCC,  john@caucc.org  

Michele Mellott, Scottsdale Cong. UCC,  meeschmellott@gmail.com  

A good video resource to watch ahead of time:  

The Truth about Bats (12:47 min)  

Phoenix BatCave info

Tucson BatCave info

​ ​Email us for the Zoom link: anyone interested can log on at 7pm, June 24 from wherever you are!