Decentering Whiteness

Rev. Dean Hokel and Rev. Drew Terry will be offering a "De-Centering Whiteness" 6-hour class for clergy:

Session 1: Thursday, Sept. 1: 1-3 pm AZ / 2-4 pm NM-EP

Session 2: Thursday, Oct. 27: 1-3 pm AZ / 2-4 pm NM-EP

Session 3: Thursday, Nov. 10: 1-3 pm AZ / 2-4 pm NM-EP

This is a basic course (via Zoom) that will employ a series of readings, videos, and small group discussions around issues of race in our culture and within one's own sense of identity and experience.

Registration is limited to nine people in order to maximize time that participants can share and explore deeply their own racial biases and identities, and discuss with each other. Please register soon!

The cost for this cohort is $15. It will count for the 6-hour racial justice requirement for all active (employed and retired) clergy.

"Perfect reading material! Just the right amount to read and study before each class session. There was a wide variety of different TYPES of reading (e.g., prose, poetry, scholarly research papers, short historical articles). The variety of reading material kept the reflection upon the readings and the interaction with the assigned readings very interesting."

"I believe that the best part of our time together was the in depth discussions. We come from diverse places and hold different perspectives, even as we are all in the same age and color demographics. The richness of our conversation made the time go by way too quickly for me. I am grateful to have had a chance to become better acquainted with the group’s members."

"I think it is in the discussions that the issues become real to us - and we can encourage and challenge one another. This group was not shy - and it was clear that there was something to learn from everyone. Dean did a great job of keeping our wide-ranging conversation on topic without being directive about it. Dean has great discussion leading skills. He is a good person for this kind of work."