Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Spiritual Care Providers Workshop

Rev. Derrick Elliott warmly invites spiritual care providers to a transformative three-session workshop, centered around values, communication skills, and spirituality.

Program Details

Focus: Delve into the profound exploration of sexuality issues for adults across all age brackets.

Benefits: Gain insights into healthy sexual relationships, celebrate the spectrum of diversity, and journey towards accepting and affirming one's sexuality throughout life's phases.

Dates & Duration:

- November 6th 

- November 10th

- November 13th

Each session lasts for 1.5 hours.

About the Facilitator:

This workshop stands as an integral component of Rev Derrick Elliott's Doctor of Ministry project and pursuit for his degree. His dedication and expertise guarantee a safe and enlightening environment for all participants.

Your presence not only honors the efforts behind this initiative but also enriches the discussions and shared experiences. Please join us in this enlightening journey. Your attendance will be greatly appreciated!

Here is the link to RSVP and  register for the sessions: 


Kindly RSVP by October 31st to ensure your spot. Looking forward to sharing this experience with you.