Celebrating Our Ministers: A Grateful Tribute

Southwest Conference Family, 

As our ministers prepare to spend time at the annual clergy retreat, where our theme this year is "Rest is Resistance," we take this time to acknowledge their ministry here in the Southwest Conference (SWC). 

In this season of gratitude and reflection, we are called to celebrate and appreciate all the dedicated ministers who serve our congregations and the wider church. A ministry is not defined only by its setting or the type of ministerial standing, every minister, in their unique way, plays a vital role in spreading God's love and light. Regardless of their standing in the conference, whether ordained, commissioned, licensed, or lay ministers, we recognize and appreciate their dedication. The diversity of roles and responsibilities our ministers embrace is a testament to the richness of their collective ministry in the SWC. 

Whether they serve in a parish, community outreach program, chaplaincy, or any other ministry setting, they pour their hearts and souls into this work. They provide spiritual guidance, comfort, and support to individuals and families during times of joy and sorrow. Their service is a testament to their unwavering commitment to God's call on their lives. 

Oftentimes, ministers stand at the forefront of life's most significant moments, offering solace in times of grief and celebrating with us in times of joy. They help us navigate life's complexities with a helping hand and a listening ear. Their devotion to the well-being of our faith community is inspiring. 

As Clergy Appreciation Month ends, and in the spirit of thanksgiving, let us extend our heartfelt appreciation to all SWC ministers. Please join me in expressing gratitude through prayers, words of encouragement, and acts of kindness. As they prepare for the clergy retreat, send them with your blessing for a time of renewal, refocus, reconnection, and rest. 

May God's grace continue to shine upon them, and may our collective ministries be a beacon of hope, love, and compassion as we journey together to share light and love. Ministers, you matter, your ministry matter, and we give thanks for your gifts and service in the Southwest Conference. 

With sincere gratitude, 

Dr. Toni