SHOUT OUT TO ALL ACTIVE CLERGY (and a note to RETIREES at the end!)

from SWC Bridge ACM-COCAM, Rev. Leslie Etheredge:

A Community of Practice (COP) is a great way for clergy to connect and offer support to one another. Just so you know, the COP program was developed as part of the Pastoral Excellence initiative. It is dedicated to strengthening and sustaining excellent pastoral leaders for a lifetime of creative, effective service and has proven to be very effective in doing so. Being a minister in any setting is often a lonely job and the COPs encourage lifetime friendships, support and nurture as well as spiritual growth among the other 4 or 5 participants in each group. I have been a member of a COP for 5 years now and the experience has been invaluable. I have learned and grown with other ACMs that have become very dear friends. 

I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity for self-care and enrichment. Groups meet once a month virtually and commit to one year. We take this commitment seriously as the group is just not complete without all of its members. Participation in the group is $250 (to pay the facilitator) a year and well worth it since you can’t put a price on your self-care. I am encouraging participants to appeal to their churches to pay this fee as part of honoring your self-care and their covenant with you. These groups are a special blessing with the extra challenges that post-pandemic ministry has brought on. Lasting relationships have been formed in COPs and they have been so successful that churches/search committees are advocating for their pastors to participate, even putting it into their call agreements. 

When asked to be in a COP, one pastor said, “I’m hesitant to add yet one more thing to this crazy schedule we are living. It is exactly for that reason I say ‘I’m in!’ Not doing a great job of self-care these days.”  Think on that one. Please let me know if you are interested in being a part. I’d love to hear from you. (

Retired Clergy: If you would be interested in getting trained to facilitate one of these groups, please feel free to contact me. The training is free of charge and conducted by UCC National staff.