Conference News

Announcement about SWC youth program - from Jeremy Bailey

Announcement about SWC youth program - from Jeremy Bailey

Greetings Conference Members,

In years past the conference has had a lively and vibrant youth program with many different opportunities and programs for youth and young adults to engage with each other and the conference, providing service and developing their faith through community together. These programs were critical to my own faith formation and sense of a larger community of faith beyond just our local walls.

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Disaster Ministries Update and Opportunities

Disaster Ministries Update and Opportunities

From Phil Shea, SWC UCC Disaster Ministries Coordinator

We are beginning to receive requests for volunteers to help recovery efforts following the hurricanes and wildfires. Expect more requests to come. For now there is a Disaster and Refugee job opportunity with the UCC and a request for volunteers in Texas. As always, please contact me if I can help you navigate your response.

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Hurricane Update and Request

Hurricane Update and Request

From Phil Shea, SWC Disaster Ministry:

A lot is happening at UCC Disaster Ministries domestically and globally. We would truly like to connect with you and your congregation regarding all you are doing and how you are responding as individuals and congregations. Read below the latest update from our Disaster Ministries Executive. In addition to your financial support and efforts to build kits, I would be most happy to help build volunteer teams now and into the future. What a great experience it would be if we had people from our churches joining together on teams to rebuild our neighbors' communities and at the same time share our experiences and stories from our varied congregations.

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Spiritual Formation at the Conference Level or – “What’s up with Lay Academy?”

Spiritual Formation at the Conference Level or  – “What’s up with Lay Academy?”

A small but tenacious group has continued thinking and dreaming and talking about lay theological education in the Southwest Conference. Julie McCurdy from the Prescott congregation and I attended the Regional Theological Education Consortium gathering in Oberlin, Ohio last fall. We had an opportunity to see what other groups are doing regarding lay education, preparation for authorization, alternatives to traditional seminaries, and support for formation in local congregations.

Since November, conversations have continued and lots LOTS of questions have come about…

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