Conference News

Resources for Chaplains

We're grateful to the SWC chaplains for their work and dedication to their ministries. On March 18, we had a Zoom conversation with our chaplains. You may watch the recorded video HERE. Some informal notes that include a list of contacts for chaplains at local area hospitals and other communities are available HERE.

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Creative worship alternatives during COVID-19

On Tuesday, March 17, the Conference office hosted a Zoom conversation around creative worship during COVID-19. The call generated some great conversation on best practices for Live streaming, ways to encourage and engage people throughout the week and to be community while maintaining some physical distance. We were not able to record the call, so Genevieve put together this list of some great resources to help office guidance on moving to digital platforms for worship.

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COVID-19 recommendation Part 2 from Southwest Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons

COVID-19 recommendation Part 2 from Southwest Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons

Yesterday the Southwest Conference Executive Board and I met to review the conference-wide response to COVID-19. With their support, I am writing this morning to strongly recommend and respectfully request that all SWC congregations and communities suspend all in-person gatherings through at least Sunday, April 12, 2020. This recommendation includes all worship gatherings, small groups, rehearsals, Palm Sunday, Holy Week observances, and Easter Sunday.

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UCC churches establish protocols, preach awareness, not panic as COVID-19 cases grow

United Church of Christ leaders are sharing information with each other, listening to the latest data from world health organizations and taking directives from their local health departments to discern how best to take precautions as the coronavirus COVID-19 spreads across United States.

Borrowing from the Rev. Kaji Douša, senior pastor of the Park Avenue Christian Church in New York City, the UCC is taking "a posture of awareness, not panic."

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Worship practices re COVID-19

Worship practices re COVID-19

As we look at how we are responsive to the health needs of our local communities, many churches are making the decision whether to host worship together in person; or virtually to have connection digitally if not possible in person. Congregations are looking towards what their county health officials and local school districts are deciding, and often following suit.

This document serves as a resource for faithful tips and considerations for congregations.

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COVID-19 recommendation from Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons

COVID-19 recommendation from Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons

This recommendation comes after much prayer and discernment, a zoom call with all of our pastors and chaplains who could be present on short notice, briefings from our disaster service coordinator, consultation with medical professionals in our churches, conversations with both our ecumenical partners in Arizona and New Mexico and with National and Conference Ministry colleagues across the UCC, and heeding the guidance from both the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control. It is grounded in my listening to our congregations’ leaders first. It speaks to you and not for you, in the spirit of covenant that we all give careful and prayerful attention to the words of one another in the Southwest Conference. That’s who we are as the United Church of Christ.

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Rev. Tracy Howe Wispelwey named as one of 10 Christian Women Shaping the Church in 2020

Rev. Tracy Howe Wispelwey named as one of 10 Christian Women Shaping the Church in 2020

Sojourners' 2020 roundup of women faith leaders includes United Church of Christ Minister for Congregational and Community Engagement, Rev. Tracy Howe Wispelwey!

10 Christian Women Shaping the Church in 2020

“The resilience and fortitude of women inspires me and the connections I observe among young women to their ancestors and future generations gives me tremendous hope,” says Rev. Howe Wispelwey.

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NYE postponed indefinitely

Consultations between Rev. Tracy Blackmon and the Council of Conference Ministers led to a decision this morning to POSTPONE the NATIONAL YOUTH EVENT, originally scheduled for July 22-25, 2020, until a future year.

This decision was not primarily a concern over the severity of the current COVID-19 pandemic, but it was based on being in an uncertain and changing time and facing a present deadline to financially finalize the contract with Purdue University. The CCM and national staff thought it prudent to postpone the event.

When future plans are made, we will let you know!

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An Invitation – Let’s Get Busy!

An Invitation – Let’s Get Busy!

by Karen Richter, 2020 Annual Meeting Coordinator

As (I hope) you’ve seen, the theme for Annual Meeting 2020 is Stories That Transform. This is maybe the most human, most exciting theme I’ve experienced over the last decade of annual meetings. Sharing stories, listening to the stories of others, crafting meaning and connecting events: these are the things that humans do. Over days, seasons, and lifetimes, these story activities form family, community, and culture.

So what better way to prepare for Annual Meeting and share ideas and experiences than a Southwest Conference Book Club! But here’s the rub… when you ask churchy, bibliophile people what they recommend to read, you can get overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and check out the recommendations below.

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COVID-19 message: Breathe

COVID-19 message: Breathe

From Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons:

Okay, I admit it. I’ve had a difficult time knowing when to fist bump, elbow touch, shake a hand extended to me, or accept a hug during my visits to our churches these last couple of weeks. It’s just plain hard to maintain a calm, non-anxious presence these days. And so I’ve found myself often needing to intentionally taking a deep breath and let it out, take another deep breath and let it out, in order to remind myself to “cast all your anxiety on God because God cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

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The fascinating musical guest at the Annual Meeting banquet

The fascinating musical guest at the Annual Meeting banquet

Natalia Serna, aka La Muna, is a Colombian-American songwriter and sociologist who has given much of her to walking with migrants, literally, on the trains through Mexico known as "La Bestia," through the mountains of Guatemala, and along the US/Mexico Border in the Sonoran Desert. She will present some of her work and music as well as reflections on the movement of people and what we need to live and thrive.

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Annual Meeting pre-event: border immersion trip

Annual Meeting pre-event: border immersion trip

Pre-event on Thursday, April 23! No cost—just need to provide your own transportation to the border and buy your own lunch. We will walk across the border so people don't need to worry about driving across. Wear good walking shoes and bring a full water bottle, sunscreen, and a passport or government-issued ID (drivers license is acceptable). Participants should be able to do some light walking; the shelter in Mexico is about one-third of a mile each way. We will not be driving into Mexico.

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