Conference News

Hybrid teaching and learning in local church to be focus of UCC event

Hybrid teaching and learning in local church to be focus of UCC event

The world of hybrid learning will be the focus of a two-day event for people who teach in local churches of the United Church of Christ.

“A New Turn: Hybrid Faith Formation” will take place online Wednesday, June 8, and Thursday, June 9. Its sponsor is the Association of United Church Educators. People can register here.

“The pandemic has shaken up everything we once knew about church ministry, and we are now facing a new turn,” said the event’s lead organizer, the Rev. Kim Nagy. She is minister of faith formation at Kent (Ohio) UCC and vice chair of AUCE’s Board of Directors. “This virtual conference will help leaders live into this new era of ministry.”

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Pride Sale for ONA Webinars

Pride Sale for ONA Webinars

During Pride month, three of our most popular webinars are on sale. For just $35, an unlimited number of members of your church can participate from their own computers or devices.

ONA 101 and ONA and the Bible are for congregations taking their first steps towards, or just curious about, an Open and Affirming Covenant.

Bending Gender is for both ONA and not-yet ONA churches: with transgender and nonbinary Americans under attack in many states, it's time for congregations to understand how to welcome trans and nonbinary seekers into their congregations.

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SWC Offers Members Professional Coaching

SWC Offers Members Professional Coaching

Since 2020, the Southwest Conference (SWC) has provided parish clergy access to professional coaching. Now the SWC is making coaching available to local church leaders, chaplains, committees, teams, and congregation members in the Conference! We have a coach on staff to make that possible.

Last month, Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons, our Conference Minister, completed 64 classroom hours of training for certification as an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Level 1 coach.

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Moving Again

Moving Again

The SWC has been renting office space at the United Methodist Center since last summer. However, trustees for the Desert Southwest Conference of the United Methodist Church (DSCUMC) will recommend the sale of the United Methodist Center at this month’s DSCUMC Annual Conference.

The DSCUMC notified SWC staff of the likely building sale in late March. Since then, staff has discussed our space and place needs considering information and feelings shared with Conference leaders in 2021. Many options were explored, including sharing space with several of our ministry partners. A plan that will provide stability while meeting our needs and stewarding our resources responsibly was recommended by the Conference Minister with staff support and reviewed by the Executive Board.

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Conference Pilgrimage Cancelled...but God is doing a new (exciting) thing

Conference Pilgrimage Cancelled...but God is doing a new (exciting) thing

We had some expected sadness when decided to cancel the event, but almost immediately it was followed was a explosion of new ideas and creativity around this theme. We immediately sensed God was doing a new thing, and leading us to a format that, rather than focusing ourselves on one trip at one time, that we were being led to empower multiple ways that many people and churches could experience and explore the meaning of Pilgrimage.

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UCC@ASU Monthly Dinner Group

UCC@ASU Monthly Dinner Group

UCC at ASU has launched a new monthly dinner group for all young adults. They are keeping the groups small and eating outdoors to be mindful of pandemic concerns. Do you know an ASU student that might want this connection? Email to find out how to get more involved and to be added to the group text.

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UCC Board outlines search process for next GMP, creates webpage for updates

UCC Board outlines search process for next GMP, creates webpage for updates

Do you want to know more about the process of calling the United Church of Christ’s next general minister and president? There’s now a web page for that.

The page here, on, will be updated with information periodically from the United Church of Christ Board’s GMP Search Committee. In this letter to the wider church, Board Chair Cameron Barr expands on the search and call process for the UCC’s next general minister and president.

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