Support Peace in the Middle East

No country currently has its embassy in Jerusalem (all are in Tel Aviv), reflecting the reality that Jerusalem’s status, according to international law and consensus, is not yet resolved.  East Jerusalem is under Israeli occupation and most of that part of the city is populated by Palestinians who have no citizenship. In spite of these realities the incoming administration has proposed moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. 

Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ has issued an action alert that includes the Jerusalem embassy issue and more. 

Tell your Senator and your Representative that you want them to: 

oppose all efforts to oppose all efforts to criticize, condemn, or undermine USNC 2334,

halt all efforts to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

The United Church of Christ, through a 1997 General Synod Resolution, supports a shared Jerusalem, open to Israelis and Palestinians, and to all Jews, Christians, and Muslims. It would be the capital of both Israel and a Palestinian state.