Health Care Enrollment: Help spread the word!

From Sandy Sorensen of JWM’s Washington office:

Calling All Souls To Enroll.png

Dear friends,

The Church has always understood itself to be an extension of Jesus Christ's healing ministry in the world. As such, it is our call as people of faith and leaders in the United Church of Christ to help connect our neighbors with the health care they need.

Open Enrollment for the health care market places runs November 1-December 15. The period is half as long as it has been in the past, and that is not an accident. It is part of a cynical, partisan attempt to weaken the Affordable Care Act.

We’re asking our churches to spread the word and ensure that all our members and communities have the info they need to get the coverage they need. We have info available on our website at Here are some of the specific tools that may be helpful to the clergy and lay leaders in your conference:

Without access to health care, none of us can live out our God-given potential. Please help us spread the word about open enrollment throughout our congregations. Let’s make sure that every member of our community knows how to access the care they need.

With Gratitude,
